Avast detecting a .tmp file in Steam and it's suspicious.

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Max Guymer

Jun 27, 2014
C:/program files(x86)/common files/steam/00024179.tmp

That's what Avast is detecting, saying it's a suspicious item.
I can't find it in my steam folder because avast blocks it, but the warning keeps coming back, if it is a virus it's persistent, I tried scanning the steam folder: nothing, then I got MalwareBytes and ran a scan... Still nothing, then I ran a full system scan on avast, avg and norton, still nothing.
If anyone can tell me what this is and how to remove it that would be nice.
It's a temporary file. They're not exclusive to Steam, Windows creates plenty of .tmp files from time to time itself.

Most likely that file was part of something along the lines of a download, a save file, or something that was being synced to Steam's servers.
It's a temporary file. They're not exclusive to Steam, Windows creates plenty of .tmp files from time to time itself.

Most likely that file was part of something along the lines of a download, a save file, or something that was being synced to Steam's servers.
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