Avast says I have a"wanna cry" intrusion on my router

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Nov 11, 2017
I need help. I a not very tech savvy though I am doing my best to learn. Evidently I have a "wanna cry" invasion on my Acer aspire 2014. I have rarely used the laptop.I have been ill and generally use a smartphone. I have att as my isp..
Att gave me a modem/Router combo. Motorola nvg510. I contacted Att immediately when the problem started almost immediately. I paid extra to have their Tech experts but they never made anything better. the avast Antivirus also said not configured correctly. Can anyone please help?

Two things you can probably do yourself.

One is to answer the question in the last paragraph of my first response above. If the flie name remains as they were when you named them, we can rule out a Rsansomware attack such as Wanna Cry. Hopefully you will have run your Avast anti-virus scan by now.

Secondly, could you invite a friend round with their laptop, switch the router back on and give them the security key. If they can go online for five minutes, so can you, only your machine might need a stronger scanner.

MalwareBytes is a good and trusted finder of the nasty stuff and you can download the free version at www.malwarebytes.org. Decline the offer of a higher version, check for updates and scan, instructing it to...
The "cry" part of that name implies encryption of your personal data unless you pay them to decrypt them. Don't because the chances are,they won't send you a decryption key once they've had your money.

First thing to check is, have your personal files been given new names. If not, it's a fake message.
My feeling is that what you are seeing is coming from Wi-Fi Inspector, which can detect if your PC is vulnerable to the exploit used during the WannaCry attack.

Our threat labs blogged about this in detail, and how Wi-Fi Inspector can protect you, with a full explanation: https://blog.avast.com/avast-wi-fi-inspector-can-tell-you-if-your-pc-is-vulnerable-to-wannacry

If your PC is showing as vulnerable, our help center has docs on patching Windows for the vulnerability: https://help.avast.com/en/av_free/17/hns/hns-doublepulsar-infection.html

I am. PookaLady. I didn't know how to get back on here.I tried twice after receiving email but didn't work. My router/ modem abd other email has been taken over. J have tried researching. It seems they ft in thru media player and smb( I think that was name) I got some info using a WiFi tracker type deal. I could not get to download the things I needed from watching avast help on YouTube, etc. I am so nervous. I really don't know he to fix. Does my AT&T nvg510 just shut down if I try to change ow.I suppose this guy can see my pw and any changes I try.I don't know why att specialty tech sad he couldn't help. I was paying every month for the help. I only quit just thus month when I was well enough to stay on phone for hour just to cancel. I really do need help. I am disabled and live on ss.
Question from pookalady : "Someone has taken over my ATT WiFi."

I need help. Soeone somehow got onto my network.it appears it was done through file sharing media player.....which I didn't even use yet. They have changed name on my laptop. Changed software on my tablet and cell phone.I am not tech savvy. I dint even know he ti respond back when a person from Tom's Guide posted an answer I don't know how to then reply. My health is not great.I have rarely used laptop.I don't really have much of anything on it. I do have a rocky and two fire sticks for streaming. Att nvg510..
Your questions keep coming when we would like to see the results of the advice you've already been given. The Avast representative will be alerted to your latest post and will respond.

Until then, tell us whether you post here from the laptop or your mobile phone? If you do, take the router's electric plug out of the wall so things don't get any worse until you have some more advice.

Avast free showed info on screen. AT&T (manucturer arris) nvg510 modem/router taken over. Changed name on my stuff
Changed software.evidently there have been issues like this happening to ppl using these arris AT&T mdem routers for uverse internet only.no tv service.there are a couple of articles i found online. AT&T wont admit any prob. Keep me onphone for hours. I am ill. Its too much for hours for me healthwise.
I am not only person this is happening to.I just dont know what to do. I cannott follow Avast directions because it will not let me download. Its more than a patch for wanna cry or pulsar anyway. They have my other email too.
Is the machine from which you're posting connected to the same router?

Hopefully not because I suggested turning it off.

I think your best option is to call in a professional PC Fixer. Be careful who you choose and if your locality has a Trusted Trader scheme or similar, consult that.

I know this is nt the best answer you should expect from Tom's but in my area, I am one of those people and I think the best thing to do in these circumstances is to have it dealt with properly.

I never intend too give you (-1) I was simply a scrolling. I don't know how to change it back. I. afraid to even touch it. I am using my cell phone. 4 g and not with AT&T. Not using WiFi. it's really a shame no one will help. I am on fixed income. I guess I will just stay away from internet. Maybe I can sell my laptop. I am planning on moving asap and intend on get cable instead of att. May be I can change things. I have been isuolated from all my friends due to injury/illness and try to lay low because of other reasons.I do anyone who can help me. That was why I had to ask strangers.I am in small town now and really don't know hardly anyone. Oh well, I guess I will just do without.Thanks for reading my text.....

It's not that no one will help. It is just that there is limited action we out here can actually do.
You need someone local, trusted, competent, to sit down at your system and actually 'fix things'.

If you were local to me, I'd do it for free.
Two things you can probably do yourself.

One is to answer the question in the last paragraph of my first response above. If the flie name remains as they were when you named them, we can rule out a Rsansomware attack such as Wanna Cry. Hopefully you will have run your Avast anti-virus scan by now.

Secondly, could you invite a friend round with their laptop, switch the router back on and give them the security key. If they can go online for five minutes, so can you, only your machine might need a stronger scanner.

MalwareBytes is a good and trusted finder of the nasty stuff and you can download the free version at www.malwarebytes.org. Decline the offer of a higher version, check for updates and scan, instructing it to remove anything it quarantined.

These are things USAFRet and I would be doing if we were in your home but we can't go much further. I'm sure the above will go a long way to reassuriing you things are OK.
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