Avatar picture for my Profile is not working!


Mar 2, 2017
I am wanting to use a avatar for my profile picture and it is originally 268x200 and 1.42mb I went to giphy resize and resized it to 100x100.now it keeps giving me error 500 something broke...size is 354kb.


Is there any way you can change the avatar requirement size? you have a very bad size restriction...

What about using a giphy link or embed address or some giphy source code link to giphy,imgur for the signature and picture both?this also is being affected too right?I can't get the signature to work.

how to get signature to work?[/quotemsg]

With an image? Assuming it's to size (and doesn't breach any forum rules), you just need to wrap-arounds for the URL.
[img..]INSERT URL[/img..]

(remove the ".." though).

With an image? Assuming it's to size (and doesn't breach any forum rules), you just need to wrap-arounds for the URL.
[img..]INSERT URL[/img..]

(remove the ".." though). [/quotemsg]
I am trying html5 and embed short link and gif link no luck