AverMedia Live Gamer HD no VGA then Blue Screen


Dec 28, 2013
I just got the AverMedia Live gamer HD and just plugged it right into the PCI slot and when turned my PC on I was getting my mobo's 5 beep error and d6 display meaning no VGA card.

After I unplugged it and tried again still didn't work then I tried unplugging the VGA card and plugging it back in then without the AverMedia my system booted and blue screened now I'm doing a system restore!

Was I supposed to install software/drivers first? Oops! Help appreciated on how to properly install this thing, thank you

This is my Build:
my system was set to boot of my old hard drive after plugging in my avermedia too for some reason... I never actually un-installed windows from my original hard drive when I made an SSD my boot drive, I'm trying to install drivers now and we'll see how that goes