AVG 2014 components not active

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Mar 7, 2012
Decided to run a scan today when I found out that all my components are unactive, wich keeps me from scanning.
Any way to fix this?
i left avg recently for comodo. i like to try new software.

but i believe if you double click on the avg icon in the tray then you will be able to select the buttons to activate any non functioning components.

if you are using the free edition only the antivirus parts will work

Should be a big FIX button on AVG's main window. Oh, move away from AVG. At least Avast.

All I see are 5 boxes that are called: Computer-Surfing-Identity-Emails-Firewall
Under all these boxes there is written, unknown.
I would switch to another anti virus only that I have been using AVG for 3 years now without any problems till now.

I don't think I understand what tray you mean, there 5 options that are all unactive, and when I try to scan I just get a blank page (dark blue actually duo to the color scheme of AVG)
And yes I am using AVG free.

I think the unknown means it's not installed and is part of the Internet Suit and not the AV Suit.
it was for me just a click on the one labeled computer and that would solve things for me. in all honesty as soon as avg stopped updating the AV i just removed restarted and then reinstalled the software. then it stopped updating again and i went other places.
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