
Mar 17, 2002
Just a little post that will hopefully save you a lot of time and headaches.

I first ordered from this company about a year ago. It was an ECS K7S5A mobo and it turned out to be defective. I filled out their RMA form and never received a RMA #. So I disputed the charges on my credit card. Once they realized they weren't getting any money they jumped all over the situation and took care of it. I ended up switching to a Shuttle mobo that did work.

Then they had the ECS K7AMA mobos advertised for $53 so I ordered 2. They were both defective. They would not run at a 133 FSB only 100FSB. So I returned both of them less a 15% restocking fee. I'm sure these mobos were probably sent out to some other poor souls who then had to go through the same crap. I should have learned my lesson at this point but I didn't.

On 9/2/02 they had an Athlon XP 2000+ advertised on pricewatch for $58.00 which was about $30 less than anywhere else. I ordered 1. They then E-mailed me and said the price offered was a typo but they would honor it. I thought ok maybe this company does have some integrity. But then I get an E-mail stating they can't verify my ship to and bill to address with my credit card company. I order PC parts at least twice a week and I never have a problem with other companies verifying my ship to and bill to address. But I call the credit card company anyway just to double check. The address they have on file is correct. So I E-mail Bzboyz back and tell them the address is correct and they should be able to verify it no problem. 3 days go by with no response. I E-mail them a number of times and finally get a response that my order has been cancelled.

Here is the E-mail:"You are repeat customer and the problem was last time you issued CC too
I am sorry about the mess . we are sorry this order has not gone smoothly and had to be cancelled and is not up to your satisfaction. Do understand, it was not intentional. To make it up, allow us to offer next order at cost. On your next order, please mention this order number and code"This order at cost as per Sam" , and we will readjust the prices and ship you the order at cost. Again, your satisfaction is important to us , and we invite you to remain our satisfied customer - Thanks Sam"

The first line doesn't make a lot of sense. I was never contacted or notified and I would have not known it had been cancelled if I had not taken the initiative.

I think they are just trying to get out of selling the processor for such a low price and have done the same thing to other people they E-mailed saying they would honor the price. Others on ResellerRatings.com have confirmed this.

Bottom line is they have poor quality control on their products, poor customer service, poor communication, and overall seem to be a shady company.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by killian2 on 09/22/02 03:48 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I don't think I would ever order anything from a site called BZBOYZ...lol

<font color=blue>"Press anykey"...Where the heck is the 'anykey'</font color=blue>
I don't have personal experience with BZBOYZ, but I have experience with ECS motherboards. I was dealing locally, so I didn't have the problem of long distance communications. I had three ECS boards in a row that were defective, but not running to speed was not one of them. Actually, I had problems running this board (the K7S5A) at 133/133, then found that the RAM that was sold to me as PC133 was really PC100, so the speed couldn't be set to spec.

Anyway, did you report your problems to the BBB? They're there for your protection, but if people don't initiate a complaint, then they can't help you. Go look around www.bbbonline.org. I use them and bizrate.com along with resellerratings.com to help me decide who to do business with. I figure that if one of the big three has an overall negative rating for a company, that's one too many.
BTW, I don't consider doing business under multiple names a big minus. You'd be surprised at some of the big players who do that. They especially like saving their OEM products for that 'other' company, so their main brand name isn't diluted.

=== SHOPPINGMAN!!! Never assume ANYTHING ====
see now I ordered my P4 3.4 GHZ and Asus P4C800E-Deluxe MB from BZBOYZ.com and besides them calling me up and offering a 40$ upgrade from OEM to boxed on my CPU and MB combo(worth it b/c of warranty) and the 2 weeks it took to ship, everything else went perfect. Saved 100$+ from going with someone else..

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by ohbaggins on 05/22/04 11:36 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
I have just three things to say-

1) Do you know if the RAM you used was certified as PC133? If it's not, or mislabeled as a ripoff, then you're NOT going to get the mobo to run at 133FSB. I own an ECS mobo and had the same problem.

2) For **** sake, don't ANY of you people know about http://search.bbb.org/search.html where you can find out about companies BEFORE you order???

3) Many, MANY ECS mobo's are pure crap. MY K7S5A is the THIRD one I had to get from the supplier because they had bad onboard sound and it STILL doesn't work. Such stories are very common and I Will NEVER buy another ECS mobo. So, yours may still, in fact, be bad and if BZBOYZ won't help out, you can go to the BBB online site and add another complaint to their running total. Who knows, maybe they can help. It's free, after all.

<font color=green>****</font color=green> Never Assume <font color=red>ANYTHING</font color=red> <font color=green>****</font color=green>
To All Readers of This Thread:

We want to inform you that Bzboyz was purchased several years ago. The new owners saw the opportunity and the potential of the existing business operations; however, understood that the overall policies and customer service needed drastic improvement.

Since the purchase we have been working hard to improve the quality of service and efficiency of the order processing. It is still a work in progress.

However, we are making good progress. We are an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau where we have successfully increased our ratings to an "A" rating. Also, on Ebay we have achieved an over 99% approval rating.

We hope that you will visit our site again and give us another try. If you have any problems please let us know and we will work very hard to keep you as a customer.

I placed 4 orders in total from Bzboyz and every one of them was perfect. I bought a dual core AM2 MB, CPU, and memory combo, which worked perfectly, and made subsequent memory chip purchases--all parts working as advertised. Price wise, I couldn't find a better deal anywhere, especially when you consider the free shipping. Let me state here that I am a long-time computer tech, and am not a shill for any company. I have also placed orders from 3BTech (who also got a lot of bad ratings), and Geeks. I have learned some things that might help others. First, let me say that the vast majority of computer parts I've bought (from all vendors) worked trouble free. One exception here is from individuals on Ebay. First, I noticed many would be techs have a nonchalant attitude about STATIC PROTECTION. You can zap a chip on a circuit board without even knowing it, and mistakenly think you received a bad part. And when working with ATX systems, you must be connected to a 'true' ground (as from an electrical outlet, which they make anti-static wrist straps for that you can plug in) because touching the case will just not suffice. Another thing is eschew refurbished motherboards and used/refurbished hard drives. The price may be tempting, but is not worth the hassle. The motherboard may have been returned from some intermittent problem that is not readily apparent. Also, I've mostly had trouble with used and/or white label hard drives. I think if you remember these few rules (especially about static protection), your experience with upgrading and assembling computer systems will be much more gratifying.
I bought a video card from them and saved a ton. And the card works great. I bought from ebay, so I don't know if they treat ebayers better, but a 99% approval is pretty good considering the kids that probably buy mobos etc from them and goof them up.
BzBoyz posts something and then all a sudden 2 positive posts about two different purchasing paths? shill posters!
The BBB is a bunch of BS! I gave a bad company a negative report to the BBB 10 years ago and the company easily rejected it and cleaned their rating within two months... so I figure why bother. I now tend to reject all tech companies in CA after the last one I dealt with. Especially if they have stupid gang banger names such as busy boys. I don't want to deal with a g-wanna b when it comes to computer parts!
I've worked for a local computer repair shop whose owner told me not to even worry about BBB reports, cause he fixed the negative reports and they never mattered... EVER. Just look at how bzboyz stated he has increased his rating already. I guarantee he didn't fix the problem, just fixed the report.

And these last two shill posts were writing as if they understood something about parts! Oh ya, blame it on the end user cause he is smart enough to put a stick of ram in his machine, and pretend that he is going to be so delicate as to not de-static his body by accidentally touched the computer's case which is grounded! Seriously, the only person who would not take their new precious RAM seriously is the worker who is tossing hundreds of them around everyday... not the person placing it in his machine!!!

Seriously, you open your machine up, thus touching the case - which IS grounded, then open the ram and place it in. There is no way you can blame a bad ram chip on the end user. You're just pathetic stating that. Ignorance...

Secondly, even if someone shocked the chip, it would destroy the chip, not lessen the speed... get real. Oh no! The pathways have gotten successfully smaller without destroying the chipset! Moron...

Ok, I know old guy is going to attack my intelligence because in my 20 year computer career I used a wrist strap only a few times when I first actually saw one, because I thought it would be fun. Now here's why: if you have built up a good static shock and then you touch the case you are shocking the case. The shock is released into the power supply which absorbs it harmlessly. Ok... now lets say there isn't a power supply in the case yet, and you touch the case and your static shock is violently released into the case's frame, and you lay the case on the carpet and ... wait... the power supply is the first thing you place in a case... not the mobo. -Scenerio disabled.- But besides, when you were a kid and you rubbed your feet on the carpet and touched your friend, your friend was not able to shock the next friend. So... i call shill and fraud.
I have ordering at least 20 systems from BZBoys during the last two years for my employer that builds kiosks. The systems are always built with care and an attention to detail. They are burned in after assembly, and are built from quality components. I am a stickler for the detail work, and I appreciate their scrutiny.

I did have one motherboard go bad on me, and I notified my salesman who promptly issued an RMA. Within a week I had a replacement board on site having only spent the cost of returning the defective board.

I couldn't be happier with BZBoyz. They're a great vendor, and their prices are hard to beat which I why I do business with them.
I wanted to sink to your rude level and reply the same way, but decided to refrain. First, I am an experienced tech with an A+ certification, and many years of experience. Static damage is a REAL THREAT to computer components--or do you believe they package parts in static protected bags for looks? I have accidentally static damaged memory in the past, so I know this firsthand. However, it was not immediately apparent, but the system would crash when I ran a certain program. It takes a memory checking program (such as Memtest) to discover these types of problems. Touching the case is adequate, unless you UNPLUG THE POWER SUPPLY, which is required in some ATX setups where the PS does not have a switch [info. gleaned from PC World]. You do not want to leave juice on the memory when you change it either (for example, MSI warns that doing so can damage your MB). There are other factors that increase or decrease your risk when it comes to static, such as time of year or area of the country.

Next, I am NOT a shill and ultimately quit dealing with BZboyz because of their ridiculous and difficult return policy, after receiving 2 defective memory chips (one was completely dead, and Memtest revealed that the other was PARTIALLY damaged.)

Finally, I would not keep an employee with a know it all attitude like yours, nor was I insulting the computer builder with my previous post, only offering what I hoped would be helpful advice.

Also, it is obvious that you believe that static damage is an all or nothing proposition, and obviously do not believe it is possible to weaken or partially damage a component (FYI, not all static charges produce a tactile 'zap'). Okay, Mr. Genius, google "intermittent static damage," and see what you get.

I will reiterate that I purchase from many different companies without any problems. When it comes to computers, I generally avoid refurbished parts (the exception being a CPU with some vendors), and used hard drives.

Hopefully, the readers of this forum will not give too much credibility to your clearly ignorant post.

Bzboyz is a scam. I ordered 2 x 2GB DDR2 sticks from ebay and it does not work. I contacted the seller several times with no luck and now am waiting the refund from paypal. I logged in ebay to leave negative feedback and what a surprise - the seller is no longer registered ebay member.

Be aware from this seller and all it's company names like MicroX.

See his recent feedbacks: