Awake and waiting for my Motherboard and CPU


So.... awake..... waiting..... why can't it get here already......

last pieces i need to put everything together :p

I have the ram.... the case.... psu.... SSD.... HDD..... left the GPU for another time but eveything else is here....... just wanted to share my eagerness to get this delivery already :p

oh and i got off work at 8am.... and i go in tonight at 11pm so hopefully it gets here soon before i think i should fall asleep :p


I posted because a lot of people on this site have helped me decide on a build and i find it exciting that this is the day i am going to have all my pieces and wanted to share with the community.

If a moderator should choose to delete the "thread" because of my wanting to share my excitement over the build then so be it it's their choice, I didn't post because i was simply bored but thanks for your feedback i suppose