Aye, can anyone solve this PC issue?


Jun 27, 2015
Aye everyone.

PC Specs (AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core 3.20 GHz, 16GB Ram, Windows 10 Home Edition.)

So recently for the past two months, every so often my PC will begin to multiply the "Windows Problem Resolver" task in the background, basically slowing the computer to a halt. The only way I know to stop it is to open task manager and manually end each individual task, which is becoming a nuisance. Is there any other way to prevent this from happening?

- Any help is and always will be appreciated.

So i tried SFC/SCANNOW and it didn't find any irregularities in the system.

When I tried to use the 2nd command though, i got an Error 87.


Any Ideas on what I should do?

(*Update* Whenever the multiplication starts to happen, my PC becomes too slow to even open up task manager. Leading it to Not Responding.)