sorry I know this should be in motherboard.
specs: r5 1500x (no bent pins,checked like 5 mins ago),16gb 8gbx2 Kingston hyperx 2400mhz ram(support and working currently),r9 fury
the build was built like few hours ago,I tried installing a1 and b1, a2 and b2,display says no signal.However, if I only install 1 ram in a1 and a2,bios was able to be shown. here are the full test result
only a1:working
only a2:working
only b1 and only b2:not working,no signal fan spinning
a1 and a2:working
b1.and b2:not working, no signal fan spinning
a1 and b1:not working, no signal
a2 and b2:not working,no signal
Last but not least,before I wrote this forum,I actually removed the cooler carefully and saw no pins of the cpu are bent. is it the mb fault or is actually the cpu.
specs: r5 1500x (no bent pins,checked like 5 mins ago),16gb 8gbx2 Kingston hyperx 2400mhz ram(support and working currently),r9 fury
the build was built like few hours ago,I tried installing a1 and b1, a2 and b2,display says no signal.However, if I only install 1 ram in a1 and a2,bios was able to be shown. here are the full test result
only a1:working
only a2:working
only b1 and only b2:not working,no signal fan spinning
a1 and a2:working
b1.and b2:not working, no signal fan spinning
a1 and b1:not working, no signal
a2 and b2:not working,no signal
Last but not least,before I wrote this forum,I actually removed the cooler carefully and saw no pins of the cpu are bent. is it the mb fault or is actually the cpu.