As indicated above, not all memory will be supported in a x4 configuration vs a x2 configuration., especially if not purchased as a x4 kit.
Your exact memory model number was not seen on the MSI QVL. for your motherboard.
SOME Corsair kits listed on the QVL as x4 compatible, others ONLY x2.
A x4 setup is much more work on the memory controller.
Even a specific MODEL number may not always be an exact science, as memory manufacturer may change in REVISION numbers, which entails subtle differences in voltage and timings. These differences can appear in lot to lot variations from the same manufacturer as well
Your best bets to try to get it all to work together:
1.Individually test the memory in x2 configs, make sure it all works in that mode before trying to go to x4.
2.See if a BIOS update is available for memory support. From the date on your picture, it appears you have the last BIOS that mentions memory compatibility however.
3.You can try manually setting memory timings and voltage.