Question B450M DS3H no beeps no boot

Jul 9, 2019
I've just tried to finish my first build, but ended up bread boarding and stripping everything back. I have a 550W PSU, a Ryzen AMD 2600 CPU, and a B450M DS3H mobo.

When I power on, I get spinning fans and lights, but no beeps, and no video output. I don't have any RAM in yet. Any ideas?
Will absolutely nothing come up if I haven't any RAM? I was under the impression that I would get video or something!

Just checked and I also don't have a speaker connected to my mother board and I can't seem to find mine.. typical idiot move.

I've also just checked in the manual that DDR4 3200 RAM is not supported, and that's the only type of DDR4 I've got atm. So, plan of action is to buy a mobo speaker, and a DDR4 RAM that is supported on the user manual (PC Part Picker site told me the 3200 would be fine!). Any other suggestions before I go ahead with this? Cheers.
Will absolutely nothing come up if I haven't any RAM? I was under the impression that I would get video or something!
No, PC cannot boot without RAM as with all the others, it's integral to the operation of the PC my friend.

I've also just checked in the manual that DDR4 3200 RAM is not supported
Where did you read this? The B450M DS3H supports up to 3200 OC, 2933 natively up to 64GB.
Even so, if it didn't likelihood is it would downclock the RAM to the most appropriate frequency the chipset can handle (not always, but it can).
So I've got a CPU in the Pinnacle Ridge range which I checked the QVL for my RAM.
M/B support list
The RAM I bought is CMK16GX4M2B3200C16, in other words,
Corsair RAM
This RAM is not on the QVL however. Does this mean that it won't work at all? Or that it will work but is just not optimal?
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Ok , sorry I've edited my previous comment, I posted it accidentally.

I've got just the CPU and the RAM plugged in but still no dice. I've read up on the issue and other people seem to be having similar problems. They quoted that they got different sticks of RAM in order to have it boot up properly.