back to square one.. new build boot issues


Dec 29, 2015
OK, maybe not square one, but I need help please.

I am building the PC for my stepfather's work and originally I was having issues that were resolved with a new PSU (I think that is what fixed it). I connected an old one I found in my closet, booted up, and it was fine. I ordered a new one and installed it. Everything checked good so I delivered it to his work, set it up, made sure it was good and left.

I was told they were checking it out and everything was good, but not using it for work yet. Today the IT guy went to hook it up to the network so they could start using it, and it was freezing on the windows screen with the spinny circles. Not every time though, sometimes it would say, something along the lines of, trying to recover, or running diagnostics and still freeze.

I got to various stages of the freezing sessions and at one point I got to the diagnostics options and tried to recover. It froze trying to recover from an earlier state. I didn't know what else to do other than hard reboot.

Now I have the PC at home trying to get it fixed before Monday and I cannot get it to boot whatsoever. It just freezes no matter what I do and has huge tearing on the screen like this. I am trying to reboot from the windows 10 disk because I figure something is messed up since I rebooted during the recovery. Also the GPU is not installed in the.

  • PNY Quadro M2000
    Intel Core i7-7700
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    CORSAIR Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB)
    WD Blue 250GB Internal SSD
    WD Blue 1TB
    EVGA 600w
    Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
I have tried:

  • using 1 ram stick in multiple slots
    unplugging each hard drive separately and trying to boot from disk
    unplugging disc drive and trying to boot from installed windows 10
    switching SATA ports and swapping cables (don't know if this would do anything)
Here is a link to the original thread that I posted if anyone is interested, I am not sure if the issues are related.

Any help would be very much appreciated.



Try removing the graphics card and using the on-board graphics instead, thats the only thing out of your build that grabbed my attention straight away.

As I said above, the graphics card is not currently installed. It has the horizontal lines with on board graphics.
Thank you for the reply.


I cleared CMOS, re-installed the graphics card, and powered up. I booted from disk and was going through the process and made it to product key page fine with no freezing or lines across the screen. and then the pc just restarted.

I have checked for shorts and have not found any. Is there a way to post my voltages so we can verify they are correct. Any ideas would be really helpful
More Info: I don't now if it will be helpful, but bios works without any issues. It has never froze or had any problems while I am in the bios settings.