Backed up all my files on an external hardrive - restored my files and my movies


Mar 18, 2012
Hi, My H.P Laptop was having problems last night, so basically i did a full back up (whilst in safe mode) to my external hardrive, and then proceeded to do a system recovery (restored it back to factory settings). The main thing i wanted to save during the back up was my collection of movies. So i have now restored all my files from the back up i did onto a different computer - all the movie folders are there, and the information files e.t.c however..the actual video or movie file is missing?!?! How do i get these back.. Please Help!
Hey, depending on the software you are using the "movie" may have been saved away from you data files and "linked" to the data files. They may have appeared to be together while working with your software but are actually stored elswhere and may need to be re linked, or reassociated, with the program. Look into the software's documentation and figure out what you need to do next. If you can't find anything please list names of the software you used.


Hi.. thankyou so much for you reply, and im so sorry but you will have to bear with me as im not very computer saavy.. im not too sure what you mean, My Laptop was running on Windows 7 and is a H.P laptop..basically the only programs i used for the movies was playing them either on Windows Media player, or DivX player, depending on the format of the movies. They were all saved in my Downloads folder, each in an individual file (named whatever the movie was called) which included the actual video, plus maybe 2 or 3 other files which was just system information e.t.c .. To do the back up i just did it via H.P's step by step guide, and to restore the files i did it via the control panel - system maintanence - Restore files step by step guide. Thanks again for your help
How did you "make the movies" that you were trying to recover? Are these home movies from a camcorder or something different. Just reading your reply I am guessing that they were some downloads? Ok I have never used a HP's full back-up. But I am concerned that you were able to restore it to a different computer. A full back up is usually a copy of the hard drive. If you restored it to a diffferent computer I am concerned that only some data was backed up, user data stuff (my pictures, my videos......). Maybe not stuff that you downloaded to a folder that you created for "downloads" on your "c"drive?

As macusn was stating above, the files may have been restored to a different location on the hard drive than they were before the backup.

One thing that you can try is do a search on your computer/laptop for the files if you know the file extensions and/or file names; That might lead you to the new location on the hard drive.

Yeah the movies were downloads, i think the backup was as you mentioned just a back up of the pictures videos e.t.c but when backing up i was able to select what folders to backup e.t.c and i selected my downloads folder, and everything that was in that folder, including music e.t.c is there...even the folders of all the movies.. its just when i open the folders all i get is the system information or subtitle files not that actual video that you would click on and it would play. And the folders and files arent hidden either- i already tried that but still nothing...

Hey thanks for you reply.. i tried to the search.. but didnt help.. its weird cuz i have other t.v series e.t.c that are just sitting in the downloads folder ( not in there own folders) and they all still work. i wonder if it has something to with the format?
Ok just a guess/question, could the files have copy protection that would prevent you from copying them to another machine. I know there are some DRM protections but I know nothing (Sargent Schultz accent) about that stuff.
Also try restoring them to the original machine, might be allowed if it is some type of DRM?


Yes, I have also heard about that from some FB friends; Directory Rights Managment restrictions won't even let you do things like the user is trying to why on Earth would one EVER buy those things if that corporation is only going to let you keep in on your current system, and not let you use it after a re-image????? Fricken corporations!!!!