backtraced while using VPN


May 6, 2014
I was wondering if I was using a VPN service (like PIA), I would be accessing the internet under a different ip address making me anonymous to everyone (except the VPN service). But for example what if I log into my gmail account while using the VPN. Isn't my anonymity compromised then?
Then there would be a link between my email (and identity) and the VPN ip address that I am using at that time...

It is much much worse than you think. You don't even have to be logged in many times. You really need to have wiped cookies...
Gmail and I guess all major providers of services like emails, social networks do record IP addresses you use to log in to your accounts. For security reasons (official version :) ).

I dont know why are so many people concerned about those VPNs looks to me kind of paranoid, but do as you wish.
If it's to shield against some legal authorities wont really help you in long run.
Yes, they would be linked. But all it would show is that you logged into your g-mail account from the VPN ip.

Ok, so there is a link between your g-mail account and that VPN - but that is where the trail runs cold. There is no further information to go beond the VPN servers. Meaning, that once you're using the VPN, you could be anywhere in the world, the trail only runs as far as the VPN. If you are looking to do something that is not 100% legal, i wouldn't log into any services that identify you while connected to the VPN, such as twitter, e-mail facebook etc. basically anything that requires a login.

It is much much worse than you think. You don't even have to be logged in many times. You really need to have wiped cookies and cached data for almost everything. Facebook is one of the worst offenders for tracking. Load the ghostery plug in for firefox and watch how often facebook comes up. You will also see google in almost every screen. This scripts whose only purpose is to track and try to link you and they are all sending data back to servers so it will not take long to link your vpn address to a real ip address you happened to use without a vpn for a couple seconds.

If you are worried about being tracked I would always run from a virtual machine that was booted from backup of clean install image.
