[SOLVED] Backup hard drive on router: better to use external powered or USB powered drive?


Dec 25, 2012
I want to connect an external hard drive to my TP-Link Archer 2300 wireless router. The router has USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports, and I intend to use the 3.0 obviously.

This drive will be for backup of pictures/videos/files from my desktop PC in another part of the house.

Question: In this application, is it better to use an external hard drive with an independent power source, or is a USB powered drive suffiecient? Or does it not matter at all?

I prefer not to use port powered drives. An external power adapter is a more reliable power source. USB 3.0 has a current limit of 900mA while USB 2.0 has a 500mA limit.
The biggest problem you will run into is the CPU in a router limits your performance. That would especially be the case if you are attempting to backup with a wireless connection. I believe you will be very disappointed in the performance. Save your money and get a dedicated NAS (network attached storage) device. With wired connectivity, you can store 100MB/s with any of the commercial NAS devices. A Synology DS218j -- https://www.smallnetbuilder.com/nas...nology-ds218j-ds218play-diskstations-reviewed will be a much better choice.