Bad 2D graphics performance AMD driver on classic theme Windows 7


May 17, 2018
Very bad 2D performance AMD Radeon driver on classic theme Windows 7.

OS: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate
Graphic card: ASUS Radeon R7 360 2G (2016 release)
Driver: Catalyst v15.7.1 .. Crimson v18.4.1 (any version)

Demonstration low 2D performance on the classic theme Windows 7. Program 2DTest draws a grid of lines of black, red and blue colors (sequentially) and calculates the draws time.

2D Test
Downloads (2DTest32.exe + source code)

"Windows AERO Theme" - 5..8 msec - good performance
"Windows Basic Theme" or "Windows Classic Theme" - 130..170 msec - Very bad performance!

VIDEO this bug - "bandicam 2018-05-09 13-28-33-165.avi" (49 Mb)

In the classic theme Windows 7, 2D acceleration there are no problems:
- with any discrete Nvidia graphics card
- with any integrated Intel graphics
- with old AMD cards, for example HD4670 + Catalyst v 13.9

Low 2D performance is available on new AMD video cards only!!!
For example, the old HD4670 (2008 release) in the 2D mode has 10 times higher performance than the R7 360 (2016 release).

New Experiments.
Compare 2D performance of two graphics cards (2009 and 2016 years) in one PC.
The old video card is faster!

Date: May 18, 2018

OS: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate, built-in "Windows Classic Theme"
CPU: Intel i5-6500 3.2 GHz

Experiment 1
- Old graphic card: PowerColor HD4670 (2009 release)
- Driver: Catalyst v13.9

Experiment 2
- New graphic card: ASUS Radeon R7 360 2G (2016 release)
- Driver: Crimson v18.4.1



foobar2000 -
2D Test (2DTest32.exe + source code) -
2DTest draws a grid of lines of black, red and blue colors (sequentially) and calculates the draws time.


Experiment 1
20180518_000128.avi -
Good performance.

Experiment 2
20180518_014357.avi -
Low performance. Slide show.

Old HD4670 (2009 release) in the 2D mode has 10 times higher performance, than the R7 360 (2016 release). It's buulshit!!!
Low 2D performance - bug in AMD RADEON driver.

Compare 2D performance on real programs foobar2000, P-CAD (AERO vs Classic theme). On the CLASSIC theme Win7, I have a slow rendering in the spectrum foobar2000 and a very slow scaling of a vector drawing in P-CAD. On the AERO theme Win7 there are no problems.

Uninstall RADEON driver - increased performance in 2D GDI.
This is not a joke - it works so badly AMD driver.
Rendering time with Radeon driver is 140 ms and without driver 20 ms.
Software rendering of Windows faster, than "hardware" acceleration from AMD.
I operate with facts that show great problems in the newer versions AMD RADEON drivers. Compare 2D GDI performance of two graphics cards in one PC.

Experiment 1
Old graphic card: PowerColor HD4670 (2009 release) + Catalyst v13.9

Experiment 2
New graphic card: ASUS Radeon R7 360 2G (2016 release) + Crimson v18.4.1

The old video card is faster!
I think the situation is abnormal when a new video card working 10-30 times slower than an old video card.
Question from ruln18 : "Bug AMD. Compare old GDI performance of two cards in one PC. The old video card is faster!"

======= RUSSIAN LANGUAGE =========


Проблема издевательски низкой 2D GDI производительности присутствует на любой AMD RADEON видеокарте 2014-2018 годов выпуска: Radeon HD 7XXX, R5, R7, R9, RX 400, RX 500 серий на классической теме Windows 7. Железо видеокарты нормальное, претензии ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, Saphire и др. выставлять нет смысла. Проблема в кривом коде AMD драйвера, начиная с версии Radeon Catalyst v15.7 и до последней Radeon Crimson v18.5.2, то есть в течении последних 3-х лет. Разработчики драйверов о ней знают но скрывают и отмалчиваются, поскольку Windows 7 считают устаревшей, хотя и выпускают на неё обновленные драйвера по сей день.

Поскольку мои видео постоянно блокируются, часть ссылок размещенных ранее, уже не работает. Я обновлил ссылки (по состоянию на 11.06.2018) на основные видеодемонстрации бага в одном этом посту. В случае недоступности видео на YouTube вы можете скачать файл с обменника.

1) Обращение ко всем техническим специалистам с просьбой объснить природу глюка

2) 2D Test - Сравнение производительности аэро и классики (bandicam)
То же самое, но фотоаппаратом в п.5

3) Демонстрация плохой производительности на реальных программах
Медленное масштабирование чертежа в P-CAD и лаги окна спектра в foobar2000

4) Удали RADEON драйвер - получи прирост в 2D. Это не шутка - так криво работает АМД драйвер. Скорость отрисовки с Radeon драйвером 140 мс и без драйвера 20 мс. Программная отрисовка винды быстрее, чем аппаратное ускорение от АМД

5) 2D Test - Сравнение производительности аэро и классики (фотоаппарат)
По сути п.2, но не bandicam, а фотоаппаратом.

6) Старая карта работает быстрее новой. Эксперимент 1
Старая карта PowerColor HD4670 (2009 год)+ Catalyst v13.9

7) Старая карта работает быстрее новой. Эксперимент 2
Новая карта ASUS Radeon R7 360 2G (2016 год) + Crimson v18.4.1

Есть ещё с десяток демонстраций:
- Демонстрация у другого пользователя на Radeon R9 380. Баги ровно теже!
- Демонстрация отсутствия проблем Radeon R7 360 под системой Windows XР
- Ускорение работы 2D интерфейса при масштабировании и перемещении окон
- Видео "опровержения" бага, снятое сотрудником АМД. Видео - фейк!!!
Cнято на патченой системе Windows 8, под закос Windows 7. После разоблачения
фейковое видео было удалено, но я успел его сохранить.
- И несколько других, в разных ракурсах, если кому нужно - то пишите, я перезалью.
Question from ruln18 : "[Bug] Video demonstations low 2D GDI performance new AMD cards"

Very bad 2D GDI performance on Classic theme Windows 7 - Bug in RADEON drivers.

This bug all new AMD cards:
- Radeon HD 7XXX;
- Radeon R5, R7, R9 series;
- Radeon RX 400, RX 500 series
with Radeon Driver - from Catalyst v15.7 to Radeon Crimson v18.6.1 (all versions)

NVidia and Intel card there are no problems. Unfortunately, the problem low 2D performance is present on AMD cards only.

AMD keeps silent and hiding this bug.
Forum -

Video demonstration of this problem:
1) Appeal to all technical specialists about Radeon bug

2) 2D Test - 2D performance of aero and classic theme (bandicam)

3) Demonstration of poor 2D performance on real programs.
Slow scaling of the drawing in P-CAD and lags of the spectrum foobar2000.

4) Uninstall RADEON driver - increased performance in 2D GDI.
This is not a joke - it works so badly AMD driver.
Rendering time with Radeon driver is 140 ms and without driver 20 ms.
Software rendering of Windows faster, than "hardware" acceleration from AMD.

5) 2D Test - 2D performance of aero and classic theme (camera)

6) Compare AMD graphics cards. The old video card is faster! Experiment 1
Old card PowerColor HD4670 (2009)+ Catalyst v13.9

7) Compare AMD graphics cards. The old video card is faster! Experiment 2
New card ASUS Radeon R7 360 2G (2016) + Crimson v18.4.1

8) The performance of the GPU is enough! The problem is the low reading speed from the Video memory.
On the Display is lags! But on the Bandicam video is not lags!
From Camera:
From Bandicam:

There are other demonstrations:
- Demonstration from another user on the Radeon R9 380. The bugs are exactly the same!
- Demonstration of the absence of problems Radeon R7 360 under the system Windows XP
- A video of the "denial" of the bug, shot by an AMD employee. Video - fake !!!
The video is made on the patched Windows 8 system, under the Windows 7 interface.
After the exposure, the fake video was deleted, but I saved it.

Demonstration from another user on the Radeon R9 380. The bugs are exactly the same!
Video 1 -

Video 2 -

Compare 2D GDI performance:
Discrette OLD -vs- Discrette NEW.

Experiment 1. Old card PowerColor HD4670 (2009)+ Catalyst v13.9

Experiment 2. New card ASUS Radeon R7 360 2G (2016) + Crimson v18.4.1

Resume: The old video card is faster.

Compare 2D GDI performance - Discrette vs Integrated.
Test #1: Discrette graphic card - Radeon R7 360. Very low performance

Test #2: Integrated CPU Intel i5-6500 - HD 530. Normal performance

Resume: Integrated CPU i5-6500 HD530 has higher 2D performance than the discrette Radeon R7 360.
You're just spamming and repeating that cards older than "some" generation perfoms better at 2D, but newer "craps" out on it.
Also, thats windows fault as you "POINTED" out and still keep spamming, its not amd's fault, its windows 7's, try windows 10 ffs.
Because YOU SET TO PERFOMANCE, And windows probably by some magic disables or lowers 2D to make potato PC smooth.
All the video of this topic was made by me personally. You can double-check these tests on your PC. The result will be the same!
Unfortunately, AMD is hiding and any mention of the problem.

Its either you dont understand who did failed here, you are using windows classic theme, and you are saying amd GPU's are having bad perfomance on 2D when on classic theme.
Got it?
What about windows 10? Windows 7 end of life is 2020.
Same as you did typed "Windows AERO Theme" - 5..8 msec - good performance
"Windows Basic Theme" or "Windows Classic Theme" - 130..170 msec - Very bad performance!

Soo who's fault would be that if you didnt tested out on windows 10, 8.1 , 8 XP?
You still didnt proved anything since you only tested on 1 windows on classic theme.
I like classic theme. Unfortunately, Windows 8/8.1/10 does not have this theme. I'm used to working in Windows 7 (classic theme only).

Windows 7 end of life is 2020. but now it's still 2018!
Or AMD will not have time to fix this bug for 2 years?
I was advised to use GLUT and now I go to a new level of video demonstrations - not just high-quality (lags / not lags), but quantitative (in FPS).

Preliminary measurements.

A classic theme without a Radeon driver (Standard VGA Graphics Adapter).
Desktop: FPS = 850-900
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 800-850
Scaling in P-CAD: FPS = 750-850

A classic theme with the Radeon driver installed.
Desktop: FPS = 1050-1200
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 35-50
Scaling in P-CAD: FPS = 10-1050 (huge drawdowns from 1050 to 7-12 FPS)

For 2D mode, "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" works 10-50 times faster, than the radeon driver!

Video demonstrations will be!
RADEON R7 360 with "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" (without Radeon driver)
Desktop: FPS = 800-860
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 750-780
Scaling in P-CAD: FPS = 700-800

Normal 2D performance!

RADEON R7 360 with Radeon driver v18.7.1

Desktop: FPS = 1280-1320
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 27-54
Scaling in P-CAD: FPS = 10-1300

Very low 2D performance!

Video from camera (15 min):
Poor 2D performance on Windows 7. All new AMD cards (2014 - 2018 release):
- Radeon HD 7XXX;
- Radeon R5, R7, R9 series;
- Radeon RX 400, RX 500 series
with RADEON Driver - from Catalyst v15.7 to RADEON Crimson v18.7.1 (all versions)

Experiment #1:

RADEON R7 360 with "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" (without Radeon driver)
Desktop: FPS = 800-860
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 750-780
Scaling in P-CAD: FPS = 700-800

Normal 2D performance!

Experiment #2:

RADEON R7 360 with Radeon driver v18.7.1
Install driver - win7-32bit-radeon-software-adrenalin-edition-18.7.1-july12.exe

Desktop: FPS = 1280-1320
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 27-54
Scaling in P-CAD: FPS = 10-1300

Very low 2D performance!

Resume: "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" works 10-50 times faster, than the RADEON driver on 2D classic theme Windows 7. Old Radeon card HD4670 with Catalyst v 12.9 there are no problems! Unfortunately, the poor 2D performance is present on NEW RADEON drivers only.

Video from camera (15 min):
Poor 2D GDI performance Windows 7 with Radeon drivers version 15.7 - 18.7.1
Date: 29.07.2018

AMD forum: - 4Mb (foobar2000 v1.3.17 + simpleGLUT with source code):


Test #1:

ASUS RADEON R7 360 with Radeon driver v15.7.1
This bug is the driver from v15.7 to v18.7.1 (all version)

Desktop: FPS = 1000-1150
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 25-150


Test #2:

ASUS RADEON R7 360 with "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" (without Radeon driver)

Desktop: FPS = 750-800
Viewing the Spectrum foobar2000: FPS = 690-730


Bandicam video:
Test #1:
Test #2:

My qwestion:
Why does FPS drop with Radeon driver?
NEW TEST. Date: 11.08.2018

Test #1:

with Radeon driver v15.7.1

FPS = 4 - 1100
Lags when moving window = Very big



Test #2:

with "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" (without Radeon driver)

FPS = 510 - 720 !!!!
Lags when moving window = No lags !!!!

This bug all new AMD cards:
- Radeon HD 7XXX;
- Radeon R5, R7, R9 series;
- Radeon RX 400, RX 500 series
with Radeon Driver - from Catalyst v15.7 to Radeon Crimson v18.8.1 (all versions)

1) Reduced Windows 7 performance and low FPS from the Radeon driver. On the "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" - no problems.

Programs for the test:
2D Test with source code -
SimpleGLUT with source code -

Radeon driver v15.7.1: FPS = 4 - 1100 (huge drawdown FPS)
Very large lags when moving windows.


"Standard VGA Graphics Adapter": FPS = 510-720
There are no lags when you move the window.


2) Increase 2D performance from nothing. ABSURD!!
If you place the "Radeon Settings" window underneath the spectrum window, so that at least 1mm of the window is visible outside the spectrum window, then the spectrum is accelerated tens of times and the FPS in simpleGLUT rises from 40-60 to 1100-1300. AMD drivers can not determine the resources, which the program requires, and mistakenly sets the video card to minimum performance.


Double-buffering bug RADEON drivers on Windows 7
classic theme or Windows Basic theme (no AERO themes)

This bug all new AMD cards 2014-2019 years:
  • Radeon HD 7XXX;
  • Radeon R5, R7, R9 series;
  • Radeon RX 400, RX 500 series
with Radeon Driver - from Catalyst v15.7
to Radeon Adrenalin v19.1.1 (all versions)

NVidia and Intel video cards there are no problems!
Unfortunately, this problem is present on AMD cards only.

Using "double-buffering patch" increase RADEON driver performance up 10-30 times! Demonstration in the foobar2000 spectrum with FPS measurement using simpleGLUT.

FPS = 25-60 (very big lags)

Used "double-buffering patch" (WS_EX_COMPOSITED = ON)
FPS = 850-920 (no lags)

Video demonstration of this problem -