So, I downloaded something the other day and was getting crc errors, forced a re-check a few times and finally deleted and started over again. Today, had another download fail error checking when done and a re-check fixed it.
Figured check my drive time.
I have an SSD C:\ and a 2TB HDD for my D:\ where I mapped all My Docs, Images, Downloads, Music, etc... to.
First I right clicked the drive, properties, tools, error checking and both drives were fine.
I then went to a cmd line and did chkdsk as admin, and did the "chkdsk c: /x /r" and same for d: though my main suspicion was the d:\ since it's where downloads go.
C:\ was fine and was run at bootup, D:\ unmounted the drive and ran a few hours and I got the below (well, I got more but this was the tail end).
Should I worry? or is it fixed?
Stage 5: Looking for bad, free clusters ...
299443373 free clusters processed.
Free space verification is complete.
Phase duration (Free space recovery): 0.00 milliseconds.
Adding 39 bad clusters to the Bad Clusters File.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
No further action is required.
1953382399 KB total disk space.
755058144 KB in 100925 files.
46564 KB in 16463 indexes.
156 KB in bad sectors.
504195 KB in use by the system.
65536 KB occupied by the log file.
1197773340 KB available on disk.
4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
488345599 total allocation units on disk.
299443335 allocation units available on disk.
Total duration: 1.40 hours (5065546 ms).
Figured check my drive time.
I have an SSD C:\ and a 2TB HDD for my D:\ where I mapped all My Docs, Images, Downloads, Music, etc... to.
First I right clicked the drive, properties, tools, error checking and both drives were fine.
I then went to a cmd line and did chkdsk as admin, and did the "chkdsk c: /x /r" and same for d: though my main suspicion was the d:\ since it's where downloads go.
C:\ was fine and was run at bootup, D:\ unmounted the drive and ran a few hours and I got the below (well, I got more but this was the tail end).
Should I worry? or is it fixed?
Stage 5: Looking for bad, free clusters ...
299443373 free clusters processed.
Free space verification is complete.
Phase duration (Free space recovery): 0.00 milliseconds.
Adding 39 bad clusters to the Bad Clusters File.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
No further action is required.
1953382399 KB total disk space.
755058144 KB in 100925 files.
46564 KB in 16463 indexes.
156 KB in bad sectors.
504195 KB in use by the system.
65536 KB occupied by the log file.
1197773340 KB available on disk.
4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
488345599 total allocation units on disk.
299443335 allocation units available on disk.
Total duration: 1.40 hours (5065546 ms).