Bad FPS on Good Videocard


Dec 15, 2016
Hi all! First of all my specs:
Intel i5-6500 cpu
Msi z170a gaming m5 MB
16 Gb G-skill RAM
SSD Transcend 256 Gb (Windows 10)
500-Power Supply
Geforce 960 GTX videocard (Zotac)

Clean installation of Windows 10 on SSD
(No malware)
Temperature of CPU and GPU is about 30-40 digrees

and now my question - on that system i have 15-30 fps in ALL games
starting with the Counter strike and finishing with Starcraft2. In every game i have 15-30 FPS (sometimes it can raise to 40-50 but still not enough for comfortable gaming )

Windows was reinstalled several times already ( i tried Win7 , win 8.1, win 10 ) problem persists.
I trien installing videocard into another PC it worked there perfectly.
I reverted firmware of my bies few versions back.
Tried to put my videocard into second PCI slot (no result)
Specific monitoring software (MSI afterburner, openhwmonitor, HWinfo64) show that when i run game my GPU loaded on 15% and when game is running videocard do not load any more.
i tried few nvidia driver versions - no result.

my monitor (OLD Flat FullHD asus ) VH242 conected to Videocard via HDMI cable. I tried changing cable to newer and more expensive one - that gave me strange result: when i turn on pc in the morning i have stable 300 fps in Counter Strike .... for about 10-15 minutes then fps falls back to 15-30fps...

i cant afford buying new monitor atm but i plan to do so... can u please give me advice what else i can do ?

p/s/ problem appeared few days ago before it everything was ok and i had 200+ fps in every game i played. i did not change anything in the system.

Poor quality PSU's can cause all kinds of issues. They might not sustain the power you need even though they meet your system requirements on paper. It is not an area to skimp on.

It will likely solve your issue, it would be my prime suspect.
Please help me to choose new PSU then.. i am looking at that model atm: be quiet! Dark Power Pro 11 650W
Please tell me shall i take 750W version instead or even 850? if i plan to install 1080 videocard and probably i7 CPU....
or maybe u can advice me something equal in quality but a bit cheaper? (among tier 1 of course)
Today i purchased PSU - Be quiet Power Zone 650W. installed it and... ... ... ... that changed nothing. =(
i still have 31 fps in counterstrike (counter strike 31 fps on 960 GeForce Carl!!!)

what else should i buy to finally resolve that damn problem? ......