there is no change at full hd 1080p and 1024x640 the difrence is 5-10 fps on low medium and high on ALL games that i have i just cant get more then 30 40 50 fps with my 295x2 cross fire is enabled i see the icon on the top corner when game is on full screen ive try to swich to windowed scr steel no difrence ive been use DDU to remove all nvidia and ati softuare i make fresh copy on windows 7 sp 1 64bit ive try to install so many dryvers still noting i see 2x GPU are enabled using GPU-z and computer management on windows pls help me is low preformence on these beast 295x2 on asassin's creed unity i cant get more then 25-35 fps in open world on 1080p sry for my bad eng