Bad FPS spikes in certain games, due to CPU bottleneck?

Hey Adrian

Sep 12, 2015
Hi everybody,
These are my specs.

I get really bad FPS in games like Fortnite, starting at only 100 fps and dropping even lower than that on downscaled stretched resolution. I look at my task manager and it shows that i'm at 100% CPU usage, and even when I turn off VSync, it goes to lower CPU usage, but remains the same.
If I invest in another 8 gb of ram, would that help. I even have it on an SSD, but sometimes my hard drive gets up to 100% because of "system" process.
I was looking to do a BIOS update? Is there any way to tell if that would do me any justice? I will literally take any piece of advice or recommendation, please, and thank you in advance. I appreciate every single response.

yea having dual channel ram would help for sure. some games have big issues with only 1 stick of ram. also update your bios if you have not. Normally bios updates are to improve compatibility with your hardware but sometimes they can up the performance (though mostly marginally).

100fps is not slow? the higher the better.. I don't follow... 100fps is great.. for most games anything around 60 is normally very good..

yes, but i usually get 100-200. thank you for the response.