Bad graphics card? Or I'm retarded.........*UGH*! (With picture!!)


Oct 25, 2010
Hello All!! Here is my issue.

I was playing Morrowind last night. out of no where my monitor went all crazy with the graphics. fuzzy, blocked, snow, etc. then the cpu froze. when I pushed the reset button, I now had about 6 pairs of white verticall lines in my monitor.....

When the windows logo finished loading (when the desktop would normally pop up) my monitor went to sleep - no signal.

I rebooted again into safe mode and it loaded windows this time. but now I have about 50 pairs of red vertical lines in my monitor.

I uninstalled the video drivers and rebooted. It loads into windows normally now. When I reinstall the drivers I can't boot into windows, and safe mode is full of red vertical lines again!

I tried a different monitor and cable and get the same results, so I know they are good.

I can't believe that my video card is bad b/c when I uninstall the video drivers, I have no issues and boots into windows just fine. its only when I try to install the drivers....

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

-Thank you!

P.C. specs-
3.0GhZ athlon Hyperthread
2Gig ram
Nvidia GeForce 5950 Ultra vid card
windows XP Pro

P.S. I added a picture to help.


I once have same problem with a ati 4890. I send it to the service center and and got that repaired. it took 15 days.

I don't suppose they made mention of what the issue was?

At this point I'd just like someone to lie to me at least and tell me my vid card is not trashed.....

Thanks again all.
Well that's definitely an older card. My guess is it overheated. I had a similar but worse occurance on my old 8600GT. Probably your heat sink is full of dust and after some gaming it just burned out.

I know that on rare occasions you can actually fix a card (specifically 8800) by cooking it in the oven to melt all the soldered contacts and basically "refresh" them. But that's a last resort. Read up on it before trying.
Thank you all for the responses. Wolfram23, I like your idea... I think its just time for a new Computer over all.

Yes, my AGP GeForce is probably...... 7-10 yrs old.... ballpark. I know its older than my 6yr/old boy!!

Thats ancient in computer terms. :)

thanks again all!
Check your voltages in the bios, you should have over 11.5v on the 12v rail, over 3.15 on the 3.3v rail, over 4.6v on the 5v rail. It could be a bad powersupply. Also check and make sure the card's fan is still working.

I disagree, the computer is not that bad, find a used agp card something like a 9600xt/pro they were common, 9800xt/pro/se, x300-x850, x1300,x1650,
hd-2300-2600, geforce 6200-6800, 7300-7800. another 5950, Don't spend more than $20.
-Try to drop the agp speed from 8X or 4x to 2x in the bios, also disable any agp side bands or fast write features. It could be a weak agp controller.

Try the older driver, sometimes the newer ones don't work well with old cards, i had this issue with a geforce2gts and 9600xt where the newest legacy drivers had issues.
Your video card died. 5950s ran hot so It's pretty good that it lasted this long. It's not really worth it to put a new card in that old girl but you could probably pick up a used card on eBay like a 6800/7000 series nVidia card or comparable Radeon. If you want a new card then yeah you may as well go with a new computer.

Also, you're playing Morriwind? Seriously? It's a great game, but even I played that 8 years ago. Even Oblivion is 3 yrs old. Well, hope you get it fixed and get back to playing morrowind. Just be careful not to get too sucked into it or it will eat up all your time 😀