Bad HDD corrupts OS on SSD?


Dec 5, 2017
So over the last month, windows 10 has corrupted on my where when my computer restarts, it goes into a boot loop and can't get out of it with any of the options making me reinstall Windows altogether. Win 10 is on my SSD, so I assumed that was going bad, but when I ran some tests, it showed that on my HDD, I have some bad sectors.

Is it possible for my HDD to effect my OS even though it's installed on a different drive?

The SSD is a 120GB SanDisk SSD Plus and the HDD is a 1TB WD Blue.
Separate drives can't directly access each other, so no, it's not possible for your HDD to effect your OS... That is to say that hopefully there's no "bad sectors" on your SSD already. If you're sure there aren't, you'll be good to go. Also, unless you have important files on your HDD, I suggest wiping it completely before trying anything else involving rebooting, just for precaution measures.

Personally what I would do in this situation is wipe both the SSD and the HDD just so there is NO possibility of anything bad or funky happening, as you can always reinstall Windows via disk or flashdrive anyways. But as I stated earlier you might have important stuff on your drives you want to keep, so it may be a different scenario.

I don't have anything important as much as its just a lot of time to get everything back once I erase them. But i agree with the idea of wiping them completely. I ran a S.M.A.R.T test on each drive with a few different programs and it showed the HDD has around 20 bad sectors. Looking it up quick, it says that I do need to get a new one sometime soon due to that.