Question Bad idea to buy a Storage Drive via Post vs Store ?

Dylan Beckett

Jul 12, 2021

Do you think it's a bad idea to buy a storage drive; and have it mailed through the post?
Do you think it's much safer to buy from a Bricks and Mortar store?

BTW - I'm not only worried about it being DOA... I'm thinking of long term drive health too.

I've always assumed (possibly wrongly?); that it would be much safer from a Bricks and Mortar store.

I think this - because I assume it is packed more securely, and with much more protection, in sturdier boxes (with actual packing inside), strong enough to have other stuff stacked on top etc - all inside a shipping container full of loads of other stuff the Computer Store needed to order?

Or even if it's not a shipping container - a fairly large box/crate ?

Compared that to a single drive shoved in a weak cardboard box with little to no packing inside to stop it smashing around - or protect it from being dropped or having other stuff dropped on it etc?

But - am I wrong?

I assume it'd depend on the type of drive - e.g. old school mechanical drives would be the worst I'd think?
I'd hope it'd be a little safer for an nvme type drive?

However, at the end of the day - I'd think that the type of drive would ultimately make no difference to me...
Surely it'd be safer coming to a store in a shipping container full of orders for one place?

What do you think?

Had bad experiences with having drives mailed to you - or never had a problem?

Thanks for your help
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