so I've been helping my friend build a new pc. He basically ordered all parts. He got the Intel i7 7700 (Not the k), RX 570 I believe (He had the 460, a less powerful version). He also got new RAM, DDR4 and is using his previous SSD with also a mechanical drive. Power supply is 550 Watts, (Bronze). His motherboard is the GA-Z270P-D3 (Gigabyte)
Now the issue at hand is this. When loading Overwatch from the SSD, it takes forever, at times it doesn't launch or when it does he gets very poor performance compared to his last setup, which ran an i5 and a budget card. Before he got a consistent 79 frames, his benchmarks on websites are saying he's at the bottom percentile when it comes to other same hardware or PC's. I have a theory that it could be the SSD, not I'm not sure. We ran utlities, reinstalled windows while formatting the SSD AND HDD, installed drivers, motherboard updates and bios. Still same performance issues. Diablo 3 runs great on the mechanical drive, but Destiny 2 which is also on there runs very bad as well. I'm out of ideas, I really hope you guys can help! 🙁
Now the issue at hand is this. When loading Overwatch from the SSD, it takes forever, at times it doesn't launch or when it does he gets very poor performance compared to his last setup, which ran an i5 and a budget card. Before he got a consistent 79 frames, his benchmarks on websites are saying he's at the bottom percentile when it comes to other same hardware or PC's. I have a theory that it could be the SSD, not I'm not sure. We ran utlities, reinstalled windows while formatting the SSD AND HDD, installed drivers, motherboard updates and bios. Still same performance issues. Diablo 3 runs great on the mechanical drive, but Destiny 2 which is also on there runs very bad as well. I'm out of ideas, I really hope you guys can help! 🙁