bad performance on GTX 980


Oct 18, 2017
hey guys !
here is my problem : i recenty bought a used gtx 980 from palit, as an upgrade over my rx 470.
it does perform well in benchmarks, having scored 2225 on heaven benchmark maxed out at 1080p with a stable 1600 MHz.
but ingame, the performance isnt there. on overwatch, i achieve only around 40 fps on epic settings scaling at 100% on a 1440x900 display
on the same display, bf4 performs very badly getting around 20-30 fps online (even on 60Hz servers) and below 60 fps in singleplayer.
i did change the settings in n-vidia control panel to ehance performance but nothing changed
the consommation thingy in windows also is on performance mode.
so my FPS dropped when switching from rx 470 to gtx 980 and i dont know what to do.
i did clean windows from all amd drivers before intalling geforce experience and any nvidia drivers.
for information, my setup is : i3-7100 / 8gb ddr4 2133MHz ram / vs550w psu
I thank you all !
well, nevermind, i actually found the solution. i accidentaly downclocked my ram in the bios. i changed it back and now i get around 90-100 fps on overwatch with 150% scaling. soo ye i was just dumb ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thanks tho sizzling.