Bad/Reallocated sectors - any way to fight the lags caused by them?


Mar 9, 2016
Hey there, i have 108 reallocated sectors on my hard drive, i dont have money to buy a new one right now, but this one causes huge discomfort when i play games - freezes which are at first ok on different graphics settings, then they become worse, i change the settings to the stable level, then that level will get worse and etc, whole the way till it starts crashing. So is there any way to make it easier to play games, like, i dont know, moving the game to another folder lol..

Thank you!
You could try vendor diagnostic software to mark any bad sectors as off limits. You could then try reinstalling software hoping that it will miss bad spots. But really there is nothing besides buying a new disk that will fix this.

I dont mean that the counter stays at 108, not that long time ago before i started playing a new game the counter was on 89.. I dont think that there are other problems as i've got this problem for about 3 years already and went deep into discovering the problem, hard disk drive should be the one whos failing.
You could try vendor diagnostic software to mark any bad sectors as off limits. You could then try reinstalling software hoping that it will miss bad spots. But really there is nothing besides buying a new disk that will fix this.

Any other way to check my hard drive for Bad secotrs? It seems that there aint no diag software for Toshiba *non Fujitsu branded* Hard Drives 🙁

Im a risky boy, well then, i will go on with backing up and making money for a new HDD, when i will buy a new one, this one will get worst tortures it can imagine for all the hate it gave me for these 3 years.