Ballmer Gets Only Half His Possible Bonus

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I say give him a little more time. He's been trying to redirect the trajectory of a company that was already heading the wrong way when he took over. At least lets see how he handles the current slate of offerings under his direction (Win8, Surface, etc.). I say give him at least until early 2014 to see what he does. If nothing changes by then, maybe it's a good time to rethink the leadership.
Meanwhile, back in poorsville, I'm stuck at $30,000.... Bonus? Hah!

Yeah... There really needs to be regulation is this country to limit how much people can make, or distribute the difference to the people that actually work hard and deserve it.
[citation][nom]JustPosting52[/nom]Meanwhile, back in poorsville, I'm stuck at $30,000.... Bonus? Hah!Yeah... There really needs to be regulation is this country to limit how much people can make, or distribute the difference to the people that actually work hard and deserve it.[/citation]

And violate one of the reasons we have a semi-free market economy? Why? That's a terrible idea.

Should we regulate what people do with federal money (subsidies, bailout $$, etc)? Absolutely. But if the company made it, they can do whatever they please with it.
[citation][nom]JustPosting52[/nom]There really needs to be regulation is this country to limit how much people can make, or distribute the difference to the people that actually work hard and deserve it.[/citation]

This is the exact kind of mindset in this country that just kills me. Who the fuck do you think you are? What in the world makes you think you are entitled to someone else's earned money?
Come on people. A CEO is to a company like the president is to America. They only have so much power, and in realistic view, windows 8 and everything else would've came out anyway.
[citation][nom]JustPosting52[/nom]Meanwhile, back in poorsville, I'm stuck at $30,000.... Bonus? Hah!Yeah... There really needs to be regulation is this country to limit how much people can make, or distribute the difference to the people that actually work hard and deserve it.[/citation]

You don't deserve anyone else's money. If you want more money, why don't you go start up a multi-billion dollar company? A post like this deserves far harsher words than I'll be giving.

[citation][nom]knodel12[/nom]Come on people. A CEO is to a company like the president is to America. They only have so much power, and in realistic view, windows 8 and everything else would've came out anyway.[/citation]

The CEO has plenty of power to make the product better. Metro in of itself is an excellent concept, but the execution of it on the desktop/laptop was poor, to say the least.
You don't deserve anyone else's money. If you want more money, why don't you go start up a multi-billion dollar company? A post like this deserves far harsher words than I'll be giving."

Because I'm a technician, not a business man. And I have plenty of harsh words for people like you as well.
[citation][nom]JustPosting54[/nom]"luciferano You don't deserve anyone else's money. If you want more money, why don't you go start up a multi-billion dollar company? A post like this deserves far harsher words than I'll be giving."Because I'm a technician, not a business man. And I have plenty of harsh words for people like you as well.[/citation]

I think it is the job of the CEO to take the company down the right direction. If the other executives do not agree or he cannot convince them, then I think it would be the best decision to step down from that position and let someone else have their shot.
[citation][nom]luciferano[/nom]You don't deserve anyone else's money. If you want more money, why don't you go start up a multi-billion dollar company? A post like this deserves far harsher words than I'll be giving.The CEO has plenty of power to make the product better. Metro in of itself is an excellent concept, but the execution of it on the desktop/laptop was poor, to say the least.[/citation]

"why don't you start up a multi-billion dollar company?"

I really hope that is sarcasm, if not, I hope you are unable to breed.
[citation][nom]Kami3k[/nom]"why don't you start up a multi-billion dollar company?"I really hope that is sarcasm, if not, I hope you are unable to breed.[/citation]

I was pointing out that if he wanted money to be distributed like that from the rich just because he wants the poor to be given hand outs, he should give it a try himself and see how difficult it is to get such a company started like Bill Gates did, let alone keep it running. I didn't think that the meaning was too subtle, was it?
Is executive compensation out of control? Yes. Is there anything that can be done about it? Not unless you own preferred stock in the company (i.e. you have voting rights). I like the free market system, but there are definitely those who take far too much advantage of that system. Yes, a CEO works very hard. Does that neccessarily mean they deserve a seven figure yearly salary? They could easily live a very, very, comfortable life with far less. Alas, the ones who set compensation are the owners and shareholders of a public company. So, while most of us look at those compensation pacakages and bemoan the ridiculous logic that goes into paying someone like that, the only solution is for the shareholders in these companies to say something about it.
Did anyone mention he has more than 333 million shares of MSFT alone? That's about $10 billion. You think he cares about his bonus? He sneezes and MSFT goes down a few percent, diminishing his net worth by hundreds of millions in a matter of days. He can give 2 shits about this bonus.

That salary + bonus figure is only for clueless media to pore over when they have nothing better to write about.
[citation][nom]JustPosting52[/nom]Meanwhile, back in poorsville, I'm stuck at $30,000.... Bonus? Hah!Yeah... There really needs to be regulation is this country to limit how much people can make, or distribute the difference to the people that actually work hard and deserve it.[/citation]

Hmm, I know you're probably (or so I hope) just kidding or you're an idiot. What you just described is a communist ideology, although I have nothing against communists except for the fact that their ideology makes no sense to me. If everyone deserves the same allocation, the same luxuries; then lack of ambition and even inhibition is the standard for that society (do what you want when you want, do the least you can since you'll receive the same anyhow). Communism fails when applied, since people want things for themselves and not for the greater good (well not entirely). Humans are selfish when it comes down to it, thus corruption, revolutions and so on.
[citation][nom]JustPosting52[/nom]Meanwhile, back in poorsville, I'm stuck at $30,000.... Bonus? Hah!Yeah... There really needs to be regulation is this country to limit how much people can make, or distribute the difference to the people that actually work hard and deserve it.[/citation] Yea!!, wait a minute. Isn't that communism??
[citation][nom]JustPosting52[/nom]Meanwhile, back in poorsville, I'm stuck at $30,000.... Bonus? Hah!Yeah... There really needs to be regulation is this country to limit how much people can make, or distribute the difference to the people that actually work hard and deserve it.[/citation]

I totally agree. I'll quit my job and you redistribute half of your salary to me.
[citation][nom]king_maliken[/nom]Hmm, I know you're probably (or so I hope) just kidding or you're an idiot. What you just described is a communist ideology, although I have nothing against communists except for the fact that their ideology makes no sense to me. If everyone deserves the same allocation, the same luxuries; then lack of ambition and even inhibition is the standard for that society (do what you want when you want, do the least you can since you'll receive the same anyhow). Communism fails when applied, since people want things for themselves and not for the greater good (well not entirely). Humans are selfish when it comes down to it, thus corruption, revolutions and so on.[/citation] I agree completely. If we were all robots, communism would be perfect. Communism as an idea sounds great, but it will never happen because people are selfish.. Even the Soviet Union didn't go 100% communist.
[citation][nom]DRosencraft[/nom]I say give him a little more time. He's been trying to redirect the trajectory of a company that was already heading the wrong way when he took over. At least lets see how he handles the current slate of offerings under his direction (Win8, Surface, etc.). I say give him at least until early 2014 to see what he does. If nothing changes by then, maybe it's a good time to rethink the leadership.[/citation]
I think you are a linux fanboy! ;-)
[citation][nom]JustPosting54[/nom]"luciferano You don't deserve anyone else's money. If you want more money, why don't you go start up a multi-billion dollar company? A post like this deserves far harsher words than I'll be giving."Because I'm a technician, not a business man. And I have plenty of harsh words for people like you as well.[/citation]
As I pointed out, lack of creativity, lack of vision and enthusiasm. To shorten it, lazy, I work when I have to, I look no further than I have too...
One example for you to show, that even though your lack of education, you could achieve greatness. The genius who started M$, Bill Gates, a university drop out... Another one, the founder of Dell also a university drop out. The potential is out there, you have to see it, take risk and work hard! Believe me I know it's hard sometimes I want to do just like you, "oh no, poor me, please give me money!" but then I pick myself up, and think harder, work harder and play harder. Play to win or get out, win it all or lose it all. So far my businesses are doing quite well, but hey, 80 to 100 hours of work per week (Really, that amount is nothing compared to the dedication the previous mentioned men put into their ideas). Life is hard, but it's worth it.
Frankly, I think his bonus is fairly reasonable (not speaking of performance, just in general). A CEO making ~10x-20x more than an average skilled employee (i.e. programmers, marketing, etc) is pretty reasonable.

Wonder what Mr. Tuner does to earn 10x more than the CEO? That one struck me as odd... (or rather more typical of what I expect execs to make).
[citation][nom]JustPosting54[/nom]"luciferano You don't deserve anyone else's money. If you want more money, why don't you go start up a multi-billion dollar company? A post like this deserves far harsher words than I'll be giving."Because I'm a technician, not a business man. And I have plenty of harsh words for people like you as well.[/citation]

Notice how I didn't give harsh words and only said that you your post deserved them if you think that you're entitled to other's money just because you're not rich yourself. If I make a good amount of money, I see no reason why I should have to give you that money. Like I said, if you want more, then go do something about it. For example, I got into the stock market and couldn't be happier (not that I'm saying to do that, that is not something to do for the inexperienced with such things) with that. Make the right investments at the right time and you can do pretty well with a lot of research done. There's plenty of other things that most people can do as well. Heck, starting up a small *business* selling things on Ebay can rake in a nice profit if you're smart about it. Working hard doesn't make you entitled to a lot of money, but working smart can really bring it in regardless of who deserves what.

People who would rather be given hand outs over getting the money themselves are a large part of this world's economic problems, although not as bad as the rampant corruption going on higher up in the *economic food chain*. Don't be a part of the problems, be a part of the solutions.
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