banned from site


Nov 7, 2013
hey guys.........
one of my friend is banned from the forum due to posting abt pirate threads that time he was not aware of the rules of the site now he want to use his account again
is it possible to allow him to use his account ..............he will never post such things again
His user name is "sandeep17sarsa"
I've reviewed the request for clemency, have reviewed and accepted the ban appeal.
The ban is lifted.

It is worth noting that your "friend" has roughly the same name you to, a very similar user avatar and email address. No matter, as this was an understanding, whether or not it was you or a friend is irrelevant. Please do be sure to read the Rules of Conduct and Terms of Service going forward, so you can avoid running afoul of moderation in the future. Thanks!

I've reviewed the request for clemency, have reviewed and accepted the ban appeal.
The ban is lifted.

It is worth noting that your "friend" has roughly the same name you to, a very similar user avatar and email address. No matter, as this was an understanding, whether or not it was you or a friend is irrelevant. Please do be sure to read the Rules of Conduct and Terms of Service going forward, so you can avoid running afoul of moderation in the future. Thanks!
