Question Basic video card question


Jul 27, 2014
Rather basic question. Nvidia RTX 40 series video cards are humongous, power hogs with big fans taking up 3 (?) slots in a desktop case. However you can fit the same processor in a laptop. If you can fit that graphics power in a small chip in a laptop why are desktop cards so freaking big? Thanks.
Rather basic question. Nvidia RTX 40 series video cards are humongous, power hogs with big fans taking up 3 (?) slots in a desktop case. However you can fit the same processor in a laptop. If you can fit that graphics power in a small chip in a laptop why are desktop cards so freaking big? Thanks.
The laptop versions are not the same. They are low powered versions with different performance.
You are so right. I read this here:

I don't understand how Nvidia gets away with calling the two cards by the same number just to sell underachieving gaming laptops since the laptop card is such a lesser entity in terms of specs.
You are so right. I read this here:

I don't understand how Nvidia gets away with calling the two cards by the same number just to sell underachieving gaming laptops since the laptop card is such a lesser entity in terms of specs.
They get away with much more than that but users should be aware of physic laws and possibilities, Just difference in size should give a clue. Dedicated graphic cards have own power and memory sections and other resources while those are shared in laptops. Just like nobody should expect a big block V8 in a FIAT 500.