Battery Charge for a phone

Dec 7, 2022
Hi guys, Little question here, i bought a iphone from a refurbished called CertiDeal while i was in Sweden, but i dont quite seem to get a correct answer on how long a phone should last.
I've looked around at diffrent guides and they all tell me differently, the phone is a iPhone 11 pro.

According to
the battery should last for 18 hours, even as refurbished ( i had the battery replaced with a new one )
it had a 3,190mAh battery and was replaced with the same, but it seems like my battery time lasts maximum 12 hours.
Do you have any advice? i would love some pointers on this. Should i just accept these battery times?

Thank you in advance
the battery should last for 18 hours, even as refurbished ( i had the battery replaced with a new one )
it had a 3,190mAh battery and was replaced with the same, but it seems like my battery time lasts maximum 12 hours.
It should last for 18hours if the only thing it does is video playback, and then probably on a specified codec/resolution...if you are doing more than that then it will drain sooner.
I'm guessing that video playback is handled by special hardware that uses very little power because that's the industry standard for years now.

They also say that real world test basically confirm your times.
For example, the iPhone 11 Pro consistently lasted around 12 to 14 hours in normal day-to-day usage during The Verge’s test. That’s a significant bump than the previous iPhone, and The Verge notes that it’s better than most current Android flagships.
it all depends on what you are doing with the phone. sitting idle it will last a week perhaps.

checking email here and there maybe 2 days

watching video already on your phone, maybe that 18-20 hours

streaming netflix for hours on end and maybe that 12 hours you are seeing.

all depends on what you are doing with it.

i have a moto g7 power and i get about 1 hour of full time use for about 10% of the battery. that's streaming, gps working, phone calls and so on non-stop. but with basic use, calls and email checking, i can get 7 days out of it easy!!