Battery of desktop pc

Normally they last about 7-10 years in a PC. So yours is right around that age, though the longest I've seen one last is over 15 years.

When it dies, beware that there are a lot of fake CR2032 coin cell batteries on eBay and Amazon - used being sold as new, or cheaply made counterfeits which don't hold as much charge. I'm seeing reports of them dying in as little as a few months to a few days. It may be worth paying extra to get one from a local retailer like Target or Walmart (about $1.50 per battery) - they tend to be more consistent in their supply chain than Amazon (about $0.30 per battery).
Normally they last about 7-10 years in a PC. So yours is right around that age, though the longest I've seen one last is over 15 years.

When it dies, beware that there are a lot of fake CR2032 coin cell batteries on eBay and Amazon - used being sold as new, or cheaply made counterfeits which don't hold as much charge. I'm seeing reports of them dying in as little as a few months to a few days. It may be worth paying extra to get one from a local retailer like Target or Walmart (about $1.50 per battery) - they tend to be more consistent in their supply chain than Amazon (about $0.30 per battery).