Battlefield 1 4gb ram vs 12gb ram performance


May 23, 2017
I got bf1 and I played it with 4gb ram and got 30-40fps on low in SP and sometimes it freezes and horrible dips because my memory usage is 98%... I got a crap laptop anyway for modern games like that... I am planning to buy another 8gb ram to that 4gb ram.. And then I will have 12gb ram.. will that increase fps?

My specs:
i3 4030u
Gt 840m(overlcoked)
4gb ram

I saw many videos run it good with 8gb ram with my specs but with an i5 4200u at 30-40fps(i5 4200u is about the same power of my i3)
I hope I can run it in 64 players map at 30fps at least once I upgrade rams..... I am on a budget and gaming PCs are very expensive..

Hope anyone answers :)
Hey Gam3r01 I know it is not even the minimum specifications for bf1 but the game is very optimized and my question is upgrading to 12gb ram will increase fps to stable 30+fps in multiplayer with low and 720p and even 80 or 90% resolution scale or it won't matter if I upgraded the ram and the performance will be still crap

RAM probably wont increase your FPS. And BF1 is not optimized well at all.
Yes I have checked it can support.. I will another 8gb ram to my 4gb ram.. So will have 12gb will that increase fps I usually have 25-35fps In single payer... And my laptop is Asus tp500ln.. All what I need is 30-40fps in multiplayer with low settings and 90% resolution scale if needed...

While battlefield indeed needs 8 gb and more, this upgrade will barely enhance your fps counter but it's a good start to upgrade you laptop. Single player vs multiplayer can be day and night in many games as in multiplayer all games become cpu intensive. Simply stated, do not overdo it with your expectations. The following link is how your hardware performs in full hd (1920x1080), thus if you are playing in lower resolution it seems you can barely play the game:
I play it at 720p resolution and low... At 30-40fps in single player but it freezes and stops working for memory issues.. So upgrading my ram will make me able to play it at multiplayer at 30-40fps without freezes?
I saw videos that I can but I am not really sure... Game debate says no always because as I said my hardware isn't the minimum requirements.. But when I played it I saw it an get 30-40fps and that is playable for me but the freezes kills me and that is only single player I didn't try multiplayer yet

Most likely it will. Let's assume I have your PC and I am playing Far Cry 4. I use MSI AB and look to my RAM usage
. My FPS would most likely be a lot lower due to the huge paging file. My HDD would be doing a poor imitation of RAM and as such performance would be less. Upgrading RAM should improve the performance.

I strongly recommend you purchase a RAM kit. Mixing old and new RAM isn't a good idea. Usually works fine. Sometimes it doesn't.

I look to a review and see

At the bottom of the convertible are ten screws that can be loosened with a common Philips screwdriver. However, this has no apparent effect: The plastic cover cannot be removed, which means users cannot replace the battery, the memory or the hard drive.

There are however many youtube how-to-videos [video=""][/video]showing how to replace/upgrade the memory. Not everything you read......

You probably know how to disassemble it but for others in the future who have the same question may not.
It is not old it is 4gb DRR3L I will buy the same type which is DRR3L but 8gb.. So I will mix two similar types of ram I saw that on YouTube with my laptop and it worked fine...thanks for your answer though but I didn't understand what you ment.. Did you mean that I can't upgrade my ram or what? ......... Anyway So you think I can get extra 5-10fps once I upgrade this 4gb ram to 12gb ram in bf1? And be able to play its multiplayer.. I am sorry for repeating that XD

Yes the freezes will stop. This is definetely an insufficient ram issue

I guess not to be honest. The game won;t just freeze. I 've seen mid-end desktops falling to 30's with this game. Even 4 core-4 thread i5 cpus had problems rendering the multi of Battlefield 1. Are you going to upgrade just to play this game? Well, the experience you 'll get won't probably meet your expectations. To me, it simply doesn't worth it. Sorry to dissapoint you but being realistic may save you from spending money on something with no gain :ouch:
So what fps i can get then.. Try to be accurate and if you can search for anything search please I am new here so I don't know shit XD and yes try to be realistic because I don't want someone just says yes or no with no reason

I would use this for many games like gta5 and R6S and star wars battlefront to improve their performance but the worst game I played in performance was bf1 so if I could increase its performance by upgrading ram then it would work for All XD

While I do expect a FPS increase I can't be exact.

Yes you can upgrade your RAM. Be aware that when disassembling a laptop things can break. There are at least a few ribbon cables that you need to be aware of. Improperly removing panels can result in the tabs that hold the ribbons to break. Just saying you need to KNOW what you are doing before you do it. A laptop expert can make the removal process appear simple and it is when you know what you're doing.
No I won't do it myself I will just go to Asus or Any good computer store and make them do I can expect it would be playable in multiplayer after upgrading or what... I am very sorry guys but I am on budget and I don't want to waste money XD

The minimum spec:
OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
Processor (AMD): AMD FX-6350.
Processor (Intel): Core i5 6600K.
Memory: 8GB RAM.
Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB.
Graphics card (Nvidia): Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB.
DirectX: 11.0 Compatible video card or equivalent.

These are the minimum specs required for BF1. As you can see, RAM isn't your silver bullet. You'll need to invest a bit in other areas too, not to mention BF isn't optimized. Also, 2 slots of 4 gigs is usually better than one of 2 gigs for at least 2 reasons, your pc keeps working and it's faster that way.

But the device in question is a laptop. Upgrades are sorta limited.
As Said I am on budget and the cheapest gaming laptop here is 2000$... So all what I can do upgrade rams.. And the single player game ran on my device well but with freezes due to memory so once I upgrade memory I think I can get some fps like extra 5-8 fps and freezes would stop.. For single player I am sure it will run very good.. All what I am afraid of is mp I need just over 30fps to be playable for me.... I am downloading the game right now it is 70% so I can only play its sp

Please don't send the minimum requirements and just say you can't run it XD
Mmmmm no other answers? XD

If there no then I will just hope that it would work as I want.. Thanks for all your answers guys and thanks that you replied me and tried to help

True. that would only complicate his situation. I guess the best thing to do is to go for a desktop or trade the laptop for one if he has already bought it. If gaming is one of the primary needs of acquiring that piece of hardware, than i guess it's not going to be worth it and experience might soon turn unpleasant.
I told thousand times I am on a budget.. I can't build a good gaming desktop .. All what I need is to play bf1.. Maybe I won't be able to play the next year games but it is very nice to see my potato runs all that :)

Anyway just 2 days left on the download and I. Will try multiplayer with 4gb ram if I saw good fps with freezes I will upgrade rams and it should run good
OK guys I tried Multiplayer I got 30fps at 64 player maps with huge freezes and very bad dips.. Because my 4gb ram.. And some error messages like Direct X errors and memory errors I think all that because my ram..once I upgrade my ram to 12gb do you think all those freezes and dips will stop? And will I get at least 35 fps?

Thanks please answer

The DirectX error is going to be GPU related.

Yes and yes.

Make the leap and let us know.