Battlefield 1 FPS Getting Worse


Jan 20, 2014
Hi all, I am having issues with FPS in Battlefield 1. I have had the game since it's release and have been playing it on the same rig the entire time. Initially when I started playing it I was able to get acceptable FPS (45-60) at the HIGH setting, which included AA. Now I am struggling to get consistent acceptable FPS on LOW settings. There are some maps and locations that I am getting as low as 25 FPS consistently! Not to mention the fact that the game is now pushing my CPU to 100% usage while my GPU usually doesn't go above 60%. I just don't understand what is happening. As updates have come out has the game changed? I understand my rig is somewhat outdated, but it shouldn't be this bad. Thank you in advance!

Here is my Build:
MSI GTX 760 Hawk
ASRock z87 Extreme 4
16gb DDR3 G Skill Ripjaws at 1866
24" Asus TN Monitor 1080p@70hz
Your cpu will slow down or shut down if it detects a dangerous temperature.
That is around 100c.
65c. max is not an issue.
Use cpu-Z to check your multiplier.


Did you make sure your BIOS on the motherboard is up to date?
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling your GPU drivers?
You forgot to mention the make and model of your PSU as well as it's age.
You also forgot to mention the OS you're on.


Jan 20, 2014

Sorry, didn't mean to leave those out. But yes, I have ensured my BIOS is up to date and have reinstalled the GPU drivers.
PSU - XFX 750 watt Gold+ fully modular (don't have the model on me at the moment) 4 years old.
Windows 10 Home
What has changed?

Windows sometimes pushes out less than optimal graphics drivers.
Download the current driver directly from nvidia.

If you have made no important changes since all was good, you could try to use system restore to reset to a previous time.

Over time, it is easy to accumulate malware.
Run malwarebytes free edition to check.

Are you overclocking your "K"?
If not, do so; you can get a nice boost in cpu capability.


Jan 20, 2014

Thanks for the reply! I will definitely try Malwarebytes, I've used it before. And actually I was recently planning on overclocking my "K" processor now that it seems I need to in order to keep this build alive, but unfortunately I believe I'm experiences some liquid cooler issues. So until that is resolved and I get my stock temps down to an acceptable level I am holding off on overclocking.


Jan 20, 2014

Temps are not ideal currently, as mentioned before. I WAS getting 65c max with a Corsair H100i v2, but lately have been seeing higher numbers, which is why I suspect the cooler. Temps in BF1 are now around upper 70's. Not horrible, but not ideal either.