Battlefield 3 Beta Hacked, Accounts May Be Banned

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Sep 21, 2011
[citation][nom]fausto[/nom]please stop it with the whining about server browser. Battlelog is awesome and if you can't see that you are either blind or haven't used it. Battlelog is easy to patch and doesn't affect the main game. So if they fix something to do with friends, server browser, and stats or they add new features to won't affect the main game at all. The friend's list's current limit is 150 with more possible. You go from battalelog straight to the game and the VOIP freaking works. Also you can party up and end up on the same squad with friends. I warmed up to Battlelog in 2 days. Sick of people bitching and moaning about it. The shit works.[/citation]

1. Check Origin again. Where are you getting your "facts" from? There are sale prices all over the place.
2. Banned for a good reason. Good riddance. There will always be people claiming to be innocent when in fact they were enjoying the hell out of their boost points.
3. I could care less about the leaderboards. I was simply pointing out what the hacked servers were doing. Stop assuming.


Sep 21, 2011
[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]Was hurting the profits of EA, sure... because it has all these killer deals and sales, while Origin just sells the games @ max price. So you should STFU.And BF3 is the best FPS only in your opinion. I say Quake 3 is the best Cool. But a lot of people got banned already, and this is "just" the beta, as you said.Wow, you actually give a $h!t about leaderboards. I feel sorry for you. Entertainment >>>>> leaderboard for me...[/citation]

1. Check Origin again. Where are you getting your "facts" from? There are sale prices all over the place.
2. Banned for a good reason. Good riddance. There will always be people claiming to be innocent when in fact they were enjoying the hell out of their boost points.
3. I could care less about the leaderboards. I was simply pointing out what the hacked servers were doing. Stop assuming.


What comes around goes around to all you PC fags who always talk shit.


Jun 9, 2011
All you people saying since you payed for the game you can do what you want....... This is a BETA! You didn't pay to play the Beta. When you buy the full version, then you can use that argument.


Aug 11, 2011
[citation][nom]YouKnowItTrue[/nom]What comes around goes around to all you PC fags who always talk shit.[/citation]

How is that a problem, people played on hacked servers and got banned. Nothing to see here.

What kind of noob uses the quickmatch thingy anyway?


Aug 13, 2011
BF3 and the BattleLog is in BETA. There are many comments on the BF3 forums similar to the ones here. EA has noted this, and is reading all of them, listening to the gamers. Again, it is BETA! A true gamer would appreciate the fact THERE IS BETA, so these issues get ironed out prior to public launch.

This goes to those that post comments on how they will not buy the game due to BETA issues, use of Origin, etc. Please, please, DO NOT buy this game. Without a doubt you are the same crabby souls that complain, complain and complain in-game and annoy the real gamers. Maybe it is time for you to move on to coin collecting, model trains, or some other hobby. EA, DICE and BF3 are simiply trying to innovate what is a stagnate PC gaming environment. You people are stuck in the 90's world of gaming. It is probably OK with all the new millions of gamers entering the market today if you people would just stick with your Quakes, CS, and legacy titles and stop annoying the newer crop of modern gamers.


Jun 9, 2011
I remember playing BF 2 with 128 people (rarely was it maxed due to lag) and EA didn't ban people then, but it was also not in beta under full control of EA. 128 people on wake island or road to jalabad was awesome!!! That is why the pc version is so much better. Big difference in the fun factor comparing 32 player to 64 (and 128 or more on the right server). With 64 players its all out war and it really feels like a full on battle.


Jun 9, 2011
[citation][nom]ihotgirli[/nom]BF3 and the BattleLog is in BETA. There are many comments on the BF3 forums similar to the ones here. EA has noted this, and is reading all of them, listening to the gamers. Again, it is BETA! A true gamer would appreciate the fact THERE IS BETA, so these issues get ironed out prior to public launch.This goes to those that post comments on how they will not buy the game due to BETA issues, use of Origin, etc. Please, please, DO NOT buy this game. Without a doubt you are the same crabby souls that complain, complain and complain in-game and annoy the real gamers. Maybe it is time for you to move on to coin collecting, model trains, or some other hobby. EA, DICE and BF3 are simiply trying to innovate what is a stagnate PC gaming environment. You people are stuck in the 90's world of gaming. It is probably OK with all the new millions of gamers entering the market today if you people would just stick with your Quakes, CS, and legacy titles and stop annoying the newer crop of modern gamers.[/citation]

Preach sister!!!!!!


Oct 4, 2011
I read every single post here... I'm not going to piss and moan like most of the people here, but I will just say that if video game hosts like EA or any others are going to do this, they better be looking forward to the drop in their players. I myself will still be getting the game and will be playing WHATEVER game mode I want, whether it is modded or not. It's life people, Shit happens.


Feb 25, 2011
This is sad....

btw, Kevin, as for
Just recently EA followed Sony's lead regarding the PlayStation Network and modified its Terms and Conditions for the Origin service, forbidding users from filing class action lawsuits against the company.

They may have had this before Sony. At least they already had this is their EULA when the Sony news was posted on Tom's.
I remember posting "EA already has this" as a comment on that article...but it was way behind so no one noticed probably...



Jul 26, 2011
Um.... two words.... OPEN BETA!

If EA thinks people weren't going to hack a web-based game then there dumber than a door-nail. Did they honestly think there were 'clever' for making a open-beta web-based.

They were just asking for people to hack it....

I have no sympathy for them, its there own dumb faults.


This is stupid. So someone could possibly accidentally just land on one of these then lose access to all their EA games?

Hey EA, here's a message for you: suck my dick you fuckers.


Well EA. That's crappy politics.
But there are game studios that deliberately DON'T include anti-piracy protections in their games. They know that piracy will exist regardless their efforts, and the latter can be problematic for some people (f.e. securom). And you know what? I do appreciate such politics, it encouraged me to support such developer. Does anybody have similar POV?


Feb 13, 2007
It wouldn't be an EA game if it wasn't hacked before release. New MOH, BF BC2 ... all hacked with aimbots and wallhacks before the games were officially released.


Jan 6, 2007
Banning legitimate users is pushing them to piracy. What would you do if you are banned from buying legal games? Pirates are free, free of trouble, and easy to get..

x Heavy

Aug 16, 2011
I disagree in a way Marraco.

This should be sorted asap before retail release.

[citation][nom]marraco[/nom]Banning legitimate users is pushing them to piracy. What would you do if you are banned from buying legal games? Pirates are free, free of trouble, and easy to get..[/citation]

However, in the remembering previous game releases, the Hackers are getting more effective at getting the message across to where it hurts. Legitimate players like myself want only to avoid the ban by staying away for now. Any server is suspect now. Even the two in my favorites. I have enough experience in the Beta to play the retail when it arrives.

In life there is light, but also dark. Cannot have one without the other.


Oct 4, 2011
Some of you obviously haven't noticed haven't played the beta or seen these servers.

I've been in 2. The first just had 128 people. The 2nd had unlocked vehicles somehow. There were no point modifiers or anything like that. Having said that, I had no real way of knowing those weren't official servers as I thought maybe they were testing more things out. It is beta after all and I'm not one to follow game forums on a daily basis so if I didn't see the article here, I never would have known for sure and could have ended up banned.

The only issue I see here is EA's threat to ban players from playing on servers listed in their server browser during BETA. That's plain stupid and typical heavy handed EA bs. As for Origin itself, other than being a bit memory hungry for something just running in the background, it seems to work just fine. I just don't have it auto start and only fire it up when I'm going to play BF3.

While I understand why they wanted to take the server browser out of the actual game client and see benefits to that, their implementation of it is pretty clunky. The 150mb that the browser takes up is inconsequential to how the game currently runs if you have 4GB or more of memory. The game doesn't use over 1.5GB at any point that I've seen.

1) I don't like the fact that I can't tweak video settings unless I'm actually in a game. That seems counter intuitive. Maybe in the retail version they'll have a way to change the settings outside of the game.

2) It's common for my bf3 executable not to load properly causing me to have to kill the process and join the game again. That's really annoying vs other games where the server browser is integrated.

3) I haven't found a way from in the game, to exit. I almost always leave a game in between rounds and I can't hit "esc" to bring up a menu and choose exit. You have to go Alt-Tab back to the browser and tell it to close Game. Then the Close game confirm windows comes up behind the Windowed Game. Just very clunky, lots of extra mouse clicks and generally a bad user interface.

I haven't decided if I'll pre-order or not. There are things I really like about the actual gameplay (bipods, suppressing fire) but there are also still a lot of kinks that need worked out on just that 1 map. I'm almost afraid to see the shape of the others.


Mar 13, 2008
Wow, smart move. Lets ban people testing the most strenuous settings in our game. EA/Dice, you need all the help you can get testing things especially with your track record of extremely stable games. One of my friends STILL can't play BF:BC2 without his computer locking up after a while. He has no problems with any games other than BF3 and BF:BC2. I never had problems with BF:BC2 but have TONS of them with BF3. Constantly getting disconnected (and losing all the progress I made!), computer locks up(even with the beta drivers specially formulated for this game). One change they need to make is they need to somehow sync your progress/score more often than after a round. Go 21/3 and disconnect a minute before the round ends? Byebye awesome progress, you get to start over next time you join a game.

As others have said Metro sucks, it feels too much like Modern Warfare 2. The battlefield series' identity is using vehicles in combat - where are the vehicles? The disgustingly long pauses before and after rounds suck too. I want to play the game, not drool over my stats for what seems like an eternity. The battlelog keeps track of the after battle report, so why have redundancy and make me sit there not playing? You also need to bring back the ability to switch squads or squad up with people on a server that you want to be with - people who may not be friends or didn't join the server with you. You're making the game too much like Modern Warfare 2 in that respect - can't play together unless you join in a party.



Sep 29, 2009
Which is WHY I stay on Steam. If you hack and get banned it's only from multiplayer mode in only the game you hacked, which is much more reasonable.


Nov 23, 2009
[citation][nom]roflmao[/nom]how can a company make you sign an agreement that tells you you cant sue them?[/citation]

Because the wonderful Supreme Court of Corporate America said they can.

Just stop and think about how wonderful of a decision this is. So now, companies like EA no longer have to charge you $59.99 for a game because they get to cut their legal expenses greatly. Instead, from here on out they will only charge you $59.99 for game. Wait.... what?


Oct 4, 2011
As others have said Metro sucks, it feels too much like Modern Warfare 2. The battlefield series' identity is using vehicles in combat - where are the vehicles? The disgustingly long pauses before and after rounds suck too. I want to play the game, not drool over my stats for what seems like an eternity. The battlelog keeps track of the after battle report, so why have redundancy and make me sit there not playing? You also need to bring back the ability to switch squads or squad up with people on a server that you want to be with - people who may not be friends or didn't join the server with you. You're making the game too much like Modern Warfare 2 in that respect - can't play together unless you join in a party.
EA wants more of the Modern Warfare player base. That's exactly why this map / game type was selected. The people who love conquest, aren't going to suddenly choose MW3 over BF3, but Dice / EA is trying to give some options more similar to MW and put it out there in a highly publicized beta to try to chip away at MW's lead.
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