Battlefield 3 fix! read if your game keeps crashing!!


Feb 23, 2012
hi, i just got a new pc and battlefield 3 and for the life of me couldnt figure out why bf3 would keep crashing and i had to alt tab delete to task manager to get out of it. I found this guide and havent looked back since NO ISSUES! not sure if its a well know fix or not but i figured i would share on here as this seems like a pretty helpful community, its a very easy fix, so here goes...

alright so go to start >> all programs >> right click command prompt and run as administrator
in command prompt type in exactly >> bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500

thats all, if you entered it correctly you will get a confirmation in command prompt. restart your computer and you are good to go.
If this works for you let me know. cheers and enjoy!
it increases the user(programs) virtual adress ratio... 4gig is set aside for the kernal and program execution on win32.
normally the address space is split evenly or in slight favor of the kernal. but this command allows you increase the amount that is set asside for user programs at the cost of reducing the amount given to the kernal
the problem is that the kernal is designed to run with 2 gigs minimum. it can use less but really you dont want to risk it in most cases. if you set it up so it only has 1 gig you can get system instability and get errors like disk full when you have plenty of free space... or even worse full o.s. corruption...
normally like i say the default is 2048 for kernal and 2048 for program addressing changing it to anything other than default you do at your own risk...
It is telling me : The element data type specified is not recognized, or does not apply to the specified entry.
run "bcdedit /?" for comand assistance.
Element not found.

will setting the value higher than 2500 on a rig with 6G of RAM cause any adverse effects?