Battlefield 3 for example running slow


Feb 21, 2014
Hello. I've got a pretty high-end pc for gaming and my friend also has one with the same specs but only 16 gb of ram. I have 8 gb. But for some reason my games like BF3 are running only 30 fps when i'm in the midddle of the action. So i will give you my specs and if you know how to fix this, please post a reply.

My specs:

Intel i5 650 3.20hz
Asus Gtx 760 2gb (factory clock)
Windows 7 64 bit operating system
what settings are you using? and since your on windows 7 i recommend upgrading to 8.1 since some but not all are reporting a 20 to 50% FPS increase, might be worth a shot. If your running on ultra you might want to try to take the settings down to something like medium or high depending what your FPS comfort zone is, other than that i don't really know just make sure you don't have a bunch of stuff running in the background or a whole bunch of web pages open.

(Im looking around online a bit and people are saying that the GTX 760 cant handle BF3 on ultra but on high with MSAA disabled) <--- (don't know how true that is i dont have a 760 myself.)