Battlefield 3 GTX 660 and fx 6300


Nov 3, 2013
Battlefield 3 has low performance with this pc (ram 8gb) . I have tried everything but to no avail. i experience low fps for my specs (they should max it out with hbao AA full) the do max it without hbao though but still even when the fps is 60 it feels like 30-40. How can i fix this choppy performance?
dont use msaax8 (if available) use deferred post (fxaa) or msaa x2 or x4 only dont use both kinds of aa as it will cripple perfomance.
hbao works better on amd gpus so try ssao or hdao(not sure which is the alternative in bf3).
turn off motion blur its not needed if you have a constant 40+fps.
the 660 wont run the game on ultra and give you 60 fps on minimum even with no aa.
in real games not the campaign you looking at medium high settings to get a constant 60 fps. even then it will occasional stutter down to 55 on some maps that contain rat-nest errors(badly rendered pollys).
From what I can see, maxed out graphics on a 660 should only be around 40 fps (,review-32523-7.html), but you could also check your monitor to see if it is 60Hz, otherwise you will (theoretically) only be able to see as many FPS as you have Hz.
as your using a 660 you may benefit from using a fxaa injector, if you do use 1 (downloaded separately) you should turn off both deferred and msaa.
as for the performance you may want to check the max cpu usage... if its below 50% constantly you may have a bottleneck which may be solved by over clocking the cpu.
but i would try adjusting the settings in game first...
also make sure your not running huge amounts of background tasks exclude bf3 from your av's real time scanner as this can affect performance.
remove any unnecessary startup items. (remove everything that isnt the gpu panel, antivirus, audio/mouse drivers.