Battlefield 3 multiplayer.. just start off...


Sep 9, 2013
Well in Bangladesh(iz a country) comes the game BF4 2 months later soo i thought i will play bf3 multiplayer by then.. i tryed battlelog it told me i need a soldier i went to my profile and saw 0 soldiers.. wouldnt i have one? 🙁 how to play multiplayer? first time playing bf3 (i will when you tell me how to)
0 just means your lvl is 0, if you HAVE Battlefield 3 the game (meaning you purchased it) you should just go to, under Battlefield 3, click at the top on Multiplayer (It's right next to overview) then click on server select.

Pick a game or server close to you (I would suggest selecting your own country if they possibly have servers otherwise try India since they are closeby and a larger country)

Now just pick a game and click JOIN.

You will see a Battlefield 3 icon pop up on the taskbar click it and the game will enter.