Battlefield 3: Online Gaming Data Consumption


May 2, 2013
Hello everyone 🙂
If I have 30GB a month and play BF3 for at least 6 hours a day (a close estimate) how much data would it take up?
best way is to try it your self.

login to ur provider, check your usage, play for 6 hours, leave it for a few hours (as sometimes it can take a while to update) then log back in to check ur usage.

then you can divide ur usage by the hours played to get a per hour average usage.
Access your resource monitor. Easy way of doing that is opening task manager, and clicking the performance tab. There will be a button there.

Now, go fire up battlefield. Mid game, alt tab out, and check the total network activity for battlefield 3. It'll give you that in Bytes/sec, so multiply by 3600 (60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour) to find Bytes per hour. Likely, this number is going to be huge. If you divide by 1073741824, you'll get GB/hour. That should give you the best idea as to how much you're using.

Do this a few times to find an average.

Also, maybe read a book or something. 6+ hours a day is a lot 😉


Thanks, I'll figure it out.
Also, I do read, quite a lot actually. Along with college and work haha ;-)
I just love playing video games on the side!
At my rate I never get any sleep 😛