R rozor7761 Reputable Mar 10, 2014 1 0 4,510 Mar 10, 2014 #1 Can in run bf4 at high ultra settings with that card? System Specs: AMD FX-6300 8GB RAM 1600hmz
D david271749 Reputable Feb 21, 2014 186 0 4,710 Mar 10, 2014 #2 Mid-high, but not everything maxed out. Upvote 0 Downvote
barto Expert Ambassador Apr 20, 2009 5,465 0 27,960 Mar 10, 2014 #3 No. Not even close. The 7750 is an entry level card. I wouldn't even recommend it for High settings. It's less powerful than a 7770 and that card can barely achieve 30 FPS on High @1680x1050. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/battlefield-4-graphics-card-performance,3634-6.html In order for you to play High/Ultra, you'll need a new card. Upvote 0 Downvote
No. Not even close. The 7750 is an entry level card. I wouldn't even recommend it for High settings. It's less powerful than a 7770 and that card can barely achieve 30 FPS on High @1680x1050. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/battlefield-4-graphics-card-performance,3634-6.html In order for you to play High/Ultra, you'll need a new card.
B BradleyJames Reputable Feb 18, 2014 421 0 4,960 Mar 10, 2014 #4 not a chance. i have a 780ti that barely runs bf4 on ultra with a resonable framerate >80 Upvote 0 Downvote