battlefield 4 amd fx 6300 + gtx 680


Apr 3, 2013
Just got BF4 .anyone else have this same set up. Curious to see if we're getting the same performance on 1080p v-sync on. In ultra settings getiing about 42-57fps, auto settings(mostly high) constant 60 fps with slight drops while moving, intense drops when moving from one big room to another, like the terrain is still loading. Low settings no problems of course.

Oh, and CPU and GPU not OC'd. any opinions, suggestions, recommendations greatly appreciated
Do you run on Win7 -64 SP1?

In Win7 the CPU scheduling and powermanagement are not optimized for the AMD FX CPUs.

You might get a little smoother game play if you install the two available hotfixes, worth a try.

First install KB2645594 ,
restart, then KB2646060 .

if i had a i5 or i7 i think performance would greatly increase. planning on upgrading to 4770k so i can get a second 680


Don't get the i7 get an i5

i do cnc programming and 3d part modeling, so i figured the 4770k would be the best for my budget

Do you run on Win7 -64 SP1?

In Win7 the CPU scheduling and powermanagement are not optimized for the AMD FX CPUs.

You might get a little smoother game play if you install the two available hotfixes, worth a try.

First install KB2645594 ,
restart, then KB2646060 .


Ill check it out

i seen a big diff after i done a overclock but lol it blew my psu. then I bought a corsair cx 750 and prayers were anwersed on a stock clock it is excellentt no more issues so far. this is on stock speed with turbo enabled and obvs all things spread disabled for stability. its seems bf4 is less cpu intensive so I am now a corsair fan bhoy as it is awesome. good luck with builds. I feel I am saying the thinhgs all people say, but at same time to guys like me working at a budget and no patience that it is true what people say about the right psu really does make a difference