Battlefield 4: Battle of the CPU's


Jan 16, 2013
Hey there 🙂
I have read lots and lots of benchmarks with amd 8 cores and i5's.
My conclusion was: should I stay with Intel or upgrade to amd?
It's actually a battle between the fx 9370 and an i5 3570k.
Full specs:
500GB sata 6 HDD
600W psu

And I game on 768p.
Thanks, - Paul
My i5 2500 (non OC) and GTX 780 runs BF4 on all max settings at 1080P and 4xMSAA at 80% CPU usage and 99% GPU usage. 80 - 100 FPS. I just use VSYNC though so steady 60. You do not or should not "upgrade" That FX is just an over priced FX 8350 just OC'd anyways.
You own a 3570k I assume. So i think right now its fine to play bf4 on high settings at 768p probably even on 1080p with no aa. It will be the next year or even not so soon when you will need an ivybridge or Hasswell or fx 8350 and fx 9xxx series. to play future games on ultra.

No need for upgrade right now. Save that money and add more till next year and buy 9370 and sli your gpu. FYI Nvidia has decreased prices of 760, 770, and 780 so it's worth the wait.
If you don't wan't to wait check this video that there's not much differnce between low and Ulltra at 1080p.
I also recommend that upgrade your monitor first.
Not really need to upgrade your cpu right now.