Battlefield 4 crashing with black screen after 5 min of play. Have to shut down pc to see input on display


Oct 25, 2017
Battlefield 4 has recently started to crash after 5 min of playing. Installed the latest bios, latest gpu driver(17.10.2 Crimson relive) and chipset drivers however the problem persists. Bf1 and Pubg are running smoothly.
pwrc R9290 4gb
windows 10
-Could be your game. Could be your PSU. What's your PSU? Go into Origin to 'game library'>find the BF4 icon & right click it> you should see a list with 'update game' and 'repair game'. Do both.
-R9 290 requirement is a 750 watt psu. Though it can run on less (550w minimum), it's always good to have the extra headroom.
-R9 290 is known for a high heat signature. Blow the dust out of the case and off the card.
-While you're at it, shut down your gear and drain the power then remove and reseat all your hardware and plugs.
-Test the PSU. Do you have spare or a known good PSU lying around? You can find a PSU tester online for about $15 to $22. Amazon...
Try resetting your game or setting it to default. Games are weird and sometimes remember crashes like control settings. Just go into control settings and click the default or reset button. If the game ask you if you want to reset the game to default after a crash or shut down, click yes and reapply your control settings. Hope this helps.
This has happened to me before too. It an issue with your PSU most likely its not supplying enough power to your GPU. Try underclocking the GPU or replace the PSU if that doesn't work. Best of luck!!!
-Could be your game. Could be your PSU. What's your PSU? Go into Origin to 'game library'>find the BF4 icon & right click it> you should see a list with 'update game' and 'repair game'. Do both.
-R9 290 requirement is a 750 watt psu. Though it can run on less (550w minimum), it's always good to have the extra headroom.
-R9 290 is known for a high heat signature. Blow the dust out of the case and off the card.
-While you're at it, shut down your gear and drain the power then remove and reseat all your hardware and plugs.
-Test the PSU. Do you have spare or a known good PSU lying around? You can find a PSU tester online for about $15 to $22. Amazon

Handy to have around. Hope this helps.