Battlefield 4 FPS Issue


Sep 27, 2013
I have a problem. I have:
Windows 7 32 Bit
GTX 650
Phenom II X4 965
and I keep getting FPS drops to 5-10, but I watched videos with people using the same GPU and 32 Bit, and they don't have this issue... I don't know how to solve this..
is your cpu or gpu overclocked?how much memory is installed? what settings are you playing at? I have a gtx 650 overclocked in my spare rig(fx6300) and it plays fairly nice on the 64 bit version. your 650Ti on medium should play fairly well.

you should get some pictures of your cpu/ gpu load temps of both etc while gaming with say hwinfo

I would go to the nvidia geforece experience and make sure your drivers are updated and optimize the game from there

I have 8GB RAM, 1TB HD, I play at 1920x1080 and my CPU has no overclocks. My drivers are up-to-date, and I'm using the Nvidia optimizations. (Everything on low and post-process on Ultra) I know I could handle at least Medium when I have 64 bit.. But for now I'd like to play it smoothly. I'm getting 64 bit soon though.
How are your other 3D applications running? Try benchmarking your GPU and CPU to see if they're hitting scores similar to other folks with the same hardware. If the problem persists elsewhere, then you may have a hardware issue.