Battlefield 4; help with two accounts on same pc

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Dec 31, 2012
I never 'really' played battlefield much, never was too much of a fan. but now i got interested and want to pre-order the 4.
I have a brother, and we both use the pc in my room, and he also wants to play bf. so two accounts on 1 pc. my question: do we need to buy the game twice in order to get two different accounts to play with, or can i just buy one copy, and the accounts are free to make?

Then, I wanted to get the Digital Deluxe Edition. If one copy is enough, then will the bonus things from deluxe edition be on both accounts that use the game on this pc, or will they be put only to the account that i bought the game with (such as gold battlepacks, exclusive beta, ...)?
Also, if I get the 'Standard Edition', will the one gold battlepack be only given to the account i bought the game with? this seems likely to me, but it wouldnt be a good thing for my brother, he wouldnt get no bonus stuff nor beta. and we both want it. It doesn't make sence giving another $70 for the other account to have the gold battlepcks and beta access.

I know that the 'Premium' is per-account. but im not interested in that right now.

Just as hernberg said, the game is bound to your Origin account, so it's the same as in other DRMs: one copy, one account.

You can of course share accounts to save some money, especially since you play on the same computer you won't need to have two accounts to play both at same time.
But if same acc, the stats, classes, acheavements will be messy.. and we would affect eachothers :/

soo, if u want two different accs, I'd need to have two installs? waste twice the space for 'one' game?

I thought I read somewhere that if u have 1 install, more accounts could use it. it scans if the game is present and just opens it with whatever account you log in with.
so if my friend comes over (who also has bf4) could he use his account and play on my pc?
is there a way to just make another account (for my brother e.g.) and pay a smaller price to make it able to play bf? im guessing there isnt..

- Stats would be messy - option for more 'characters' to play with, each separate stats?

- if i want 2 accs, i have to install the game twice?

- if friend comes over, can he play with his accounts?
on this page:

this is said:

"Origin will detect the installation regardless of which account you login to."

I wish this is true, but im asking around to confirm this.

he also sais that only premium is account bound:

"But if you haven't also bought premium for the alt account, You'll only be able to play vanilla maps on the alt."

and as i said, im not interested in premium atm so i dont care, but it makes sense.
The game is bound to a specific account, so if you want to have separate stats you'll need to purchase the game twice and get two different accounts.

What they mean by it detecting is that if both you and your brother, each with your own account where you purchased the game, want to play, you don't have to install the game twice.

And yes, if a friend goes over he can log in his account and play: it'll detect the game is already installed and won't attempt to download (unless he has expansions you don't have, so it needs to get those).
oh well.

What about playing on same acc being messed up, stats, money and such things? is there a multiple character creation or something?
I REALLY dont want to play on same if you cant make more chars.. but then, i dont want to shell out 120 euros (140 if deluxe)... (i wish i didnt have a brother.. he wants bf mainly cuz of me, otherwise he wouldnt no it even exists lol)
(That's harsh on your brother, lol)

No you can't create additional soldiers, at least on BF3 you can't.

You should consider contacting Origin support and explaining your situation, they might be able to help out and they'll have more information than I do.
Its a shame they did away with the system found in bf2, you could make up multiple soldiers, I liked to have individual soldiers to play each of the classes.
what if they have a separate pc...and want to play online together do they need to purchase the game twice? cant they use 1 product key but different accounts?