so, I have pretty good internet. But I always lag on BF4 no matter what. I never lag on BF3 or any other multiplayer games. It's not FPS, just Internet. Help me fix?
It works fine on my Xbox 360 and ONE. I have a GTX 970 so its not my graphics.
so, I have pretty good internet. But I always lag on BF4 no matter what. I never lag on BF3 or any other multiplayer games. It's not FPS, just Internet. Help me fix?
so, I have pretty good internet. But I always lag on BF4 no matter what. I never lag on BF3 or any other multiplayer games. It's not FPS, just Internet. Help me fix?
so, I have pretty good internet. But I always lag on BF4 no matter what. I never lag on BF3 or any other multiplayer games. It's not FPS, just Internet. Help me fix?
Are you Wifi or on Ethernet?
Wifi, but I get 65 mbs
Right. That's quite good for wireless but It might be the issue. I use a Powerline adaptor for my PC which gives me wired Internet with very fast ping.
So what kind of lag is it? Is it the type where everything freezes up or is it more latency based? I am guessing that you should open the ports that Battlefield 4 or Origin needs.
So what kind of lag is it? Is it the type where everything freezes up or is it more latency based? I am guessing that you should open the ports that Battlefield 4 or Origin needs.
Its like spikes or hiccups. Ill be playing and players will be shifted and ill start teleporting around and next thing you know im dead. Its constantly happening. Even when Im looking at the map.