Battlefield 4 looks weird


Dec 24, 2013
Hey guys,
I've been facing this problem since I bought BF4 and it was never fixed. Basically the game looks really bad for a 2013 game and it looks much better on gameplay videos on youtube. I've tried pretty much everything I could. For a while I assumed it was something wromg with my GTX 650 Ti but today I upgraded to the new 980 Ti and, even though it can max it out easily, the problem still persists. This doenst happen in other battlefield games.
FX 8350 @ 4.7GHz
Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5
8GB XMS 3 Ram
Samsung 250GB 850 Evo
1Tb external HDD
GTX 980 Ti Reference
Custom loop
Coolermaster V650 PSU

Can you give a rough description of what is visually wrong?

I recall when I first fired it up with a GTX580 that 3D mode was turned on by default, which is misleading, since it creates a blue/red shift. But the game has a blue/red shift in all of the load screens.

New issue since I installed a GTX980 is certain puddles and certain panes of glass being purple for no reason.
They have been updating the Frostbite Engine, but keep in mind you are playing a game made for multiple platforms. It isn't the cutting edge of graphics technology. (In fact a battlefield game that no one could run would be a bit of a flop)

If other games look good to you then it is a perception problem. Games don't have to look good to be fun, kind of something that seems to be lost on a lot of game developers lately.

People on youtube are probably running at higher resolutions, using AA and MSAA filters, and probably running a nicer monitor? Any of those differences can make a big difference. What is your monitor? are you capping the refresh rate?
Do a integrity check on from the Orgin UI. Its in my games -> right click on battlefield -> repair game. Also maybe check if your SSD settings in bios is correct. It seems as if you are having delayed texture loading.