Battlefield 4 + Other games getting what feels like large fps drops with solid 60fps. (Frame Skipping?)


Dec 17, 2013
Hello, i'll explain the title a bit more.

And i'll start with this, YES my temps are fine on CPU + GPU.

A few days ago i started to get some weird lag, same feeling as large fps drops. But the problem is, i ain't getting any large fps drops. I'm never under 60 fps, average might be 75-80 fps. I'm using Low/Med settings, I'm having V-sync and MSAA turned off. Using Borderless (have tried Fullscreen, getting screentearing + same lag).

The problem gets a lot worse when i'm locking the fps to 60 fps with the console command, some spots are worse than others aswell and half of the time it just works fine. On top of that, when locking the fps the CPU usage goes down to 35-45% usage. Got 70-80% when unlocked fps.

Have tested the following:
Nvidia BETA drivers, Older Nvidia drivers, Vsync ON, My old HD5870, Installed BF4 on my HDD instead of SSD. Turned Threaded optimization ON in Nvidia control panel, Pre-rendered frames 0-5 tested. All that tested, no change at all, even tried running it in 32-bit version, no change. Both my Ram stick works fine, tested with memtest for 24 hours each.
EDIT** I have tried different DVI-D cable + another monitor aswell.

It's like this on almost every game, Planetside 2, Battlefield 3, even SWTOR(mmo).

Funny thing with all this is that it won't show up on recorded videos at all, all my recorded videos i made was just fine.
I'll provide youtube clip as soon as i can, having it fixed now.
Youtube clip:
Sorry for the bad quality, Youtube makes it realy shitty.

Anyone got something awesome to help with? Please do so // Mjolkspam


Intel i5 4670k 3.4Ghz
Nvidia GTX 570 732 / 1900Mhz @ 870 / 2000Mhz (Have tried without the overclock aswell)
2x 4gb Corsair Vengeance Low Profile
Samsung 840 250gb SSD
Windows 8.1
sounds like driver issue.

grab latest nvidia beta drivers and driver fusion and ccleaner.

uninstall all nvidia drivers and dont restart when prompted.
run driver fusion and use the nvidia driver cleaner then restart when prompted.
on restart run ccleaner file cleaner then the registry cleaner multiple times till it finds no errors.
install nvidia display driver as custom and only install the display driver and control panel.

see if this helps

You didn't read my post did you? I have tried latest Nvidia BETA drivers + Olders ones, still no change. I even tried my old HD5870 with beta + stable drivers for it, Still no change.
@SethS: Read post? Vsync isn't a problem solver.

Yes, i did. A few times.

Never said it was, just a way to minimize lag; thats all

But still, have tried Vsync, still not enough. Something is wrong and i wan't to find out what.
Vsync = input lag, which i won't play with. I'm not here to argue, here to find out what the problem is :)
And i didn't mean anything rude with what i said to neither of you.

As stated in main post, have tried old, beta, new stable (running latest beta drivers now). It's not possible to get an better gpu at this point no. But, gtx 570 is more than capable of running BF4 1080p with 60fps solid.
Thanks anyways tho.

Last time you asked tho, i answered: "Yes, i did. A few times." So there you have it. :)

slight confusion, i thought you meant you read my post a few times lol.

what antivirus are you using by the way? if its avast or avira they can cause terrible problems with system slowdowns.
Unfortunately I don't have a fix for you as. am suffering similar issues but just with BF4 (I opened a thread a couple of weeks ago) I have loaded latest beta drivers (I have 2xGTX 570s in SLI config) and with each BF4 patch the situation gets worse. I struggle to get over 60fps average at the moment!

Just to let you know you are not on your own here.
Unfortunately I don't have a fix for you as. am suffering similar issues but just with BF4 (I opened a thread a couple of weeks ago) I have loaded latest beta drivers (I have 2xGTX 570s in SLI config) and with each BF4 patch the situation gets worse. I struggle to get over 60fps average at the moment!

Just to let you know you are not on your own here.

Gah... Click wrong button, it's not solved 😛

Ehm, i'm using Microsoft Security Essencials, installed by auto in Win 8.1
A stab in the dark - maybe you're running out of VRAM and the calls to your system RAM are causing jerkiness? I know this happens as a symptom when you run out of VRAM and the 570 only has 1.25gb on a game that recommends 3. Maybe turn down textures and check. I see you're running low/med, but is that across the board? You don't have any control panel options turned up do you? Anti-aliasing? AA eats up memory fast.

Have already tried all settings on Low, and this happens in more games on Low. Same if i even use 720p.
I have done that aswell, memtest is done, they're good.