Battlefield 4 runs really bad on my rig


Apr 12, 2013
Hello everyone i need some help with Battlefield 4....ok so recently when i bought bf4 i couldnt run it well "i was running it on a intel 2 quad core and a 7770 and 4gbs of ram" so i decided to upgrade i got 4 more gigs of ram, a fx 6350, and a gtx 660
"well i got the 660 today" but when i put the 660 in and played i got the same performence i got with the 7770 with my fx first i thought it was the 660 probelm but i looked and th 660 is only being used 70% now i think there is a bottleneck but i dont know where..its only bf4 that has a probelm...any know what is wrong
bf4 is a very problematic game, for both nvidia and radeon hardware. it is also very cpu intensive. alot of people are having issues with the game. the only thing i can reccomend is that your resolution scaling option in graphics setting is not set about 100% and turn off vsync
did you fresh/repair install when you added the new hardware. when you replace things like gpu's from different brands you really need to do a repair install at the very least. this will replace the low level drivers that are run at boot time for the old hardware.
not doing so will result in degraded performance and system instability.