Battlefield Hardline - Can my PC run it?


Aug 3, 2012
Hi Guys,

I just got hardline it is still downloading....and i wanted to know if i could run it with my system below:

Intel Mother Board DH61WW
Intel i3 3.10GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
4 GB Ram
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

If not, could you please recommend what I should upgrade as I do not have much money, should I just add another 4GB of ram?

If I have to buy another graphic card, what is the best budget one which will fit my motherboard above with a standard power supply.

Also, for reference, I can run my Battlefield 4 on Medium settings. I would like to play with no stuttering or anything. I want it to be as fast and smooth as possible. My Battlefield 4 runs smooth on Medium.

I Thank you in advance for your help and guidance.:)

Thanks Elemential,I already knew that website but when i checked battlefield 4 on that web site,it said that i couldn't run battlefield 4 and,well i played battlefield 4 perfectly. :??:

So you saying all i need is a new Video card.Could you tell me which is a low budget and good video card?,Thanks


What is your budget around?
About 40 to 50$,If its is really good it could be 70$...It has to be on this list(,3107-7.html) and higher then the Video card that i have,about 4-6 lines higher than my video card(which is GT 440),Thanks for helping :)